


Jessica Hynes: ‘Focus. Make your work. Be a good person. Don’t second-guess or judge yourself too harshly.’ Maureen Chiquet (below right), former CEO of Chanel: ‘I realised I could be a better leader when I could tap into some of the things that were more inherent to who I was, by listening, letting myself be in someone else’s shoes, being curious and asking questions, as opposed to telling people what to do.’ Jude Kelly, founder of the Women Of The World Festival:

‘Know that you’re living a life, not “having a career”. Stay true to your beliefs and make your work reflect them. Place yourself in situations where you have your beliefs and prejudices tested – creativity and leadership takes courage and that means being grateful for being challenged.’ Christiane Amanpour (left), journalist:

‘The most important thing I could say to young people is, “As long as you’re great at your job and there’s no fault that can be had with the way you do it, then that’s what you bring to the table.” If I was starting out today, and anyone tried to tell me to hoist my skirt, lower my cleavage, tart up my make-up or bouffant my hair, whatever it is, I’d say, “You know what? My work speaks for itself.”’

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