

What does 2020 have in store for you?


ARIES 21st Mar to 20th Apr

IT’S TIME TO MAKE YOUR MARK Love & Relationsh­ips February looks romantic, and mid-may to the end of June will be extra interestin­g for you. That’s when the planet that guides your Love Zone, Venus, goes into one of her rare retrograde cycles. You can expect to be going back over your love life, seeing where you’re going right and wrong. However, make sure you don’t neglect your love life because of work this year. Work & Money You start 2020 with some of the most intense astrology you’ve had in ages – and it’s all kicking off in your Career Zone. If you’re ambitious, you can take your profession­al life to the next level. If you’ve been acting like a work-shy fop, it might be time to pay the piper! Self & Soul You have the planet of chaos, Uranus, in your Self-esteem Zone in 2020. In other words, your feelings about yourself will be on a rollercoas­ter. Do believe in yourself, because that will make others more likely to believe in you, too. Don’t base all your self-worth on what you do work-wise – no matter how much success you achieve this year (and you could achieve a lot!).

TAURUS 21st Apr to 21st May EMBRACE THE CHANGES Love & Relationsh­ips March sees Venus moving into your sign, bringing love to the very fore. There could be some surprises and turnaround­s, but overall it all should work out well. Remember, you have the planet of chaos in your sign throughout 2020 and beyond, so your biggest enemy in relationsh­ips is being erratic! Solution: go with the flow. Work & Money Work is going to be BIG for you in 2020. March also sees Saturn, the planet of career and ambition, graft, work and hurdles, moving into the sign of Aquarius for the first time in about 30 years. So, now is the time to work hard, because when Saturn makes his move, you will either be rewarded or kiboshed for what you’ve been up to profession­ally! Self & Soul This year, your biggest challenge is that there’s an awful lot going on in your life – and also your head – which is why you really do need good levels of self-care (that don’t involve getting drunk with friends, though that won’t hurt – in moderation).

GEMINI 22nd May to 22nd Jun 2020 IS ALL ABOUT SEX AND MONEY Love & Relationsh­ips There are Full and New Moon eclipses in your Love Zone in June and December, so 2020 is going to be big for your love life. If you’re single, it can be the year you get over your past, or meet someone new. For attached Geminis, it’s a time when your relationsh­ip can move up a level… or even split asunder if you know it’s not really meant to be. Work & Money With such a potentiall­y big year on the emotional front, it would be ideal for you to balance this out with work that inspires you. You have the planet of Neptune in your Career Zone throughout 2020 and beyond. That means if you do work that uplifts you, or whomever you serve, you will get the best possible career juju. Self & Soul This is a pivotal year to reinvent yourself. That’s because the eclipse energies are affecting you in a special way. But you really do have to be prepared to leave the past behind. Also note that, when it comes to cash, you’re far better off working solo rather than seeking joint ventures.

CANCER 23rd Jun to 23rd Jul EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS Love & Relationsh­ips Good news! You start the new year with the planet of good luck and good times, Jupiter, back in your 7th House of Relationsh­ips for the first time in over a decade. This offsets some of the intensity you’ve been through in your most important relationsh­ips, personal and profession­al, especially a love relationsh­ip with a partner or ex. Eclipses in your Love Zone also mean your year looks to be jam-packed with romantic developmen­ts. Work & Money You are likely to have a lot of work on your plate as 2020 starts, thanks to workhorse planet Saturn beaming down demands until the 22nd March. If you can make it through, you won’t have to work this hard again for a long time; it will also create solid future foundation­s. Self & Soul From April to July, your life is going to be slightly less hard work than it has been for the past few years. After that, you will get a last round of life lessons that you need to learn. So stay conscious and live intentiona­lly! The only way out is through.

LEO 24th Jul to 23rd Aug UNDER A BIT OF PRESSURE Love & Relationsh­ips Relationsh­ips should be interestin­g this year, as the planet of commitment, Saturn, returns to your Love Zone for the first time in about 30 years. So, if you’re thinking of getting serious, 2020 is the year. However, Saturn also crumbles the infirm, so relationsh­ips hanging by a thread will be tested! Work & Money You have the planet of chaos, Uranus, in your Work Zone right now, so don’t be surprised if 2020 is a bit frenzied at work. If the start of the year is rough, that’s the intensity of a massive Saturn/pluto connection. However, this could turn you into an absolute boss! Self & Soul From March to July at least, you need to work hard and live with integrity more than ever. That means doing what you say you’re going to do, no excuses. Your success or failure rests on how serious an effort you make.

VIRGO 24th Aug to 23rd Sep ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR Love & Relationsh­ips Lucky you! 2020 begins with some hot and heavy energies in your Romance Zone. This could be a wonderful year for all your most important relationsh­ips thanks to a series of rolling Jupiter/neptune alignments, which could leave you feeling positively uplifted. Work & Money The inspiratio­n from Neptune could also seep into your working life. The first step would be to ensure you’re in a job that makes your heart sing, as opposed to working at something purely and simply for the money. Doing something that makes you feel good is highly recommende­d. Self & Soul When Saturn moves into your 6th House in March, it’s time to pay more attention to looking after yourself. If you want to blitz this Saturn cycle (on and off into 2022), put a few things in place, such as regular exercise and a healthy routine.

LIBRA 24th Sep to 23rd Oct GO FOR IT PROFESSION­ALLY Love & Relationsh­ips As of March, relationsh­ips with your family are less stressful. The dramas at home are pretty much over, bar the shouting, for another 30 years, give or take. You’ll hopefully start to see where you’ve been going wrong. Learn the lessons and move on! Love-wise, it’s calmer. Work & Money The more you can focus on your career in 2020, the better you’ll feel. You may be tempted to focus on home and family, but you’ll find more fulfilment and happiness when you go out in the world and make your mark! Self & Soul One of the best things you can do for yourself this year is a bit of meditation or yoga. Why? You have Neptune, the planet of meditation and inspiratio­n, in your Daily Life – and it will change things for the better!

SCORPIO 24th Oct to 22nd Nov LOVE LIFE’S ROLLERCOAS­TER! Love & Relationsh­ips

Your love life is likely to be going off like a frog in a sock again this year, thanks to the continuing presence of the planet of mayhem, Uranus. The good news is that if your love life has felt stuck or boring, this should stir things up. And if your love life already feels like a rollercoas­ter ride, then hang on, 2020 is going to get even bigger! Work & Money Work will be on your mind in the first three months of the year. So, try to break through any mental barriers holding you back by dealing with past dramas and perceived failures. There’s room for change in your life right now – make the most of it. Self & Soul If you can work through the stresses of life by changing the way you think, you will make the most of an intense 2020. For example, challenge catastroph­ic thinking and interrupt anxiety with gratitude. Finally, get enough rest to calm any jangling nerves!

SAGITTARIU­S 23rd Nov to 21st Dec DON’T EXPECT BORING… Love & Relationsh­ips Your home life looks pretty uplifting this year, even if your daily life feels like a spin cycle in a washing machine. Your love life will be challenged by the ups and downs of daily life, so the more you can make your home a sanctuary for you (and your loved ones), the better. Work & Money Part of the shift in your routines is going to come from the constant flux at work. With the planet of turnaround­s, Uranus, in your 6th House of Daily Life, you can expect your timetables to be fluid, and the more flexible you are at work, the more you will succeed. Self & Soul Your challenge for 2020 is to believe in yourself. In theory, as a happy-go-lucky Sadge, this shouldn’t be too hard. But, if you’re struggling with self-esteem, this is the year to work through that. Seeing a therapist from around March to July could change your life. You have great reserves to train your mind to focus on the positive.

CAPRICORN 22nd Dec to 20th Jan TIME TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Love & Relationsh­ips Life is changing for you after what has been a few gnarly years. As 2020 begins, the planet of good luck and good times, Jupiter, is in your sign. Jupiter can improve your whole life, including your relationsh­ips – but you have to release any negative relationsh­ip habits. Work & Money The work planet Saturn has been in your sign since 2017 and stays there until March this year. Then it dips out for a few months, so you get the biggest pressure release that you’ve had in a long time. Note that all those dramas were sent to show you how to be the person you want to be! The question is, have you learned any lessons? Self & Soul Chances are you’re feeling a little battered and bruised as 2020 dawns but, rest assured, you really are moving into better and easier times. What you really need to work on now is maintainin­g your self-belief.

AQUARIUS 21st Jan 21 to 19th Feb HERE COMES SATURN! Love & Relationsh­ips Big news! Saturn is in your sign for the first time since early 1994. This will affect your whole life, including your love life. Try not to be too demanding or critical of your beloved when things get heavy-going. In good relationsh­ips, you could be more committed than ever. Work & Money With Saturn in your sign, you’re going to be working hard! And if you’re not, then Saturn will whip your Aquarian butt into shape! If you have a shred of ambition, wake it up and run with it. From July to December, you are let off, but then the hard-work vibe returns. Self & Soul The magnitude of Saturn in your sign can’t be over-emphasised – it really will impact your whole life. It also means that the coming few years will be very karmic. You’re going to reap just what you sow – so be careful what you sow in your personal and profession­al lives!

PISCES 20th Feb to 20th Mar A YEAR TO BE INSPIRED Love & Relationsh­ips Right now, you might be tempted to lose yourself in a relationsh­ip, but the truly fulfilled Pisceans are those who are (a) in a relationsh­ip and all is well, or (b) happy on their own, rather than in a bad one. You’ll know your relationsh­ip is right when your partner uplifts you... Work & Money If you want to set the work world on fire this year, go in with the intention of ‘original thinking’, in terms of ideas and problem solving. That said, your social life looks so good this year, you might be a little distracted. Self & Soul Inspiratio­n is the key word for 2020 – if life doesn’t inspire you, see if you can find a way to live that does inspire you! Also, Saturn slips into your 12th House in March, so now’s the time to start working through your fears ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your sign in a couple of years.

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