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In our December issue, our brilliant columnist Fearne Cotton said goodbye with five of her most life-affirming pieces of wisdom: it’s okay to be a work in progress, we’re all in it together, there are no quick fixes, being broken is fine, and you don’t have to get back to everyone all of the time.

Hollie Caroll emailed us in response. ‘I read Fearne Cotton’s five golden rules and I can identify with each of them,’ she wrote. ‘It was refreshing to be reminded of these lessons. I became a mother nine months ago and it has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. I thought it would be easy for me, but it turns out I’m a work in progress. Each time I think I’ve “mastered” motherhood, I get another dose of trickiness. I have learned to take a deep breath and try again, refreshed. When my baby is unsettled and I struggle, I seek solace at baby groups and talk to other mums – every one of them is going through something, even if they don’t admit it. We often present the perfect life but it’s not the reality; we are all broken, and we are struggling in small or big ways. Keeping people who love me close in trying times helps keep the balance right. Thank you, Fearne, for your candour.’

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