
Sara gets back on track with vegan-friendly Iron+

Our bodies need iron and B12 to make haemoglobi­n, a protein in red blood cells that enables the cells to carry oxygen around the body.


If your body doesn’t have enough haemoglobi­n, your tissues and muscles won’t get enough oxygen to be able to work effectivel­y and you could feel constantly fatigued and find it difficult to concentrat­e.

This was the case for Sara Pearce, 39, a Demand Planner from Peterborou­gh, and amateur runner. She decided to become a vegan in May this year, Sara was advised by her friends that she would need to supplement with iron & B12, but, with a busy lifestyle just never really got around to looking into it.

Sara explains; “After about three months of becoming vegan I was feeling mentally and physically exhausted all the time.”

Regarding vegetarian and vegan diets and supplement­ation the NHS says:

“If your diet isn’t planned properly, you could miss out on essential nutrients. Vegetarian­s need to make sure they get enough iron and vitamin B12, and vegans enough calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Women are thought to be at particular risk of iron deficiency, including those on a vegetarian or vegan diet.”

Sara continues: “Talking to my running coach, he asked me how my iron levels were. It was only then that I thought back to the advice I had been given when I changed my diet.

“I had no idea what my iron levels were like, or if low iron levels were causing my exhaustion, but as I had recently seen Iron+ online, I decided to give it a try.

Iron+, was formulated by Futureyou Cambridge, well-known for its science-backed health supplement­s. It provides a natural source of easily absorbed iron from koji culture, a fermented fungus traditiona­lly used in Asian cuisine. It also contains methylcoba­lamin, an active form of vitamin B12 that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and contribute­s to normal energy levels.

“It was incredible” Sara continued, “after just five days I felt so different, much more like my old self, the Iron+ supplement­s helped me massively... I’ll continue to take them.”

Restoratio­n of normal iron levels can’t be corrected overnight but taking supplement­s or a change in diet can help. You may need to take iron supplement­s for several months or longer to replenish your iron reserves.

Many people notice a difference after a week or so, but it can also take longer. Ask your doctor when to have your blood rechecked to measure your iron levels, to be sure that your iron reserves are replenishe­d.

Adam Cleevely, CEO of Futureyou Cambridge comments, “We realise that many people won’t realise they are lacking in iron and may just feel under the weather or rundown. That’s why we’re giving customers the opportunit­y to try Iron+ for free, they simply need to pay £1.50 to cover the cost of postage. As a result many of our customers are telling us they’re rediscover­ing their zest for life!”.

 ?? ?? “After just five days I felt so different, much more like my old self”
“After just five days I felt so different, much more like my old self”

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