


INSTRUCTIO­NS: Complete moves in order, each for 45 secs, then rest for 15 secs. Continue to the next exercise. Repeat the circuit 4 times (about 25 mins). For unilateral moves, start on the right and alternate the moving leg each round. LEVEL UP: Hold a 2kg to 4kg weight at your chest in rounds 3 and 4 when you do the lateral and curtsy lunges. You’ll turn up the resistance and recruit your core.

1 Plank saw

HOW TO: Place a slider under each foot and set up in a forearm plank with your elbows stacked under your shoulders (A). Slowly slide back (B) to front, engaging your back muscles as if you’re doing a horizontal pull-up, dragging the sliders along the floor.

2 ‘Scrub the floor’ curtsy

HOW TO: Stand on your left leg and place a slider under the ball of your right foot. Keeping your shoulders and hips square, wrap your right leg behind you into a curtsy lunge and hold it at the bottom (A). Your spine can tilt forwards slightly, but be sure to keep your back flat. Keeping a bend in your left leg, slide your right foot 15cm out to the side (B), then back to the starting position, while your left leg holds still and hips and glutes stay low.

3 Lateral lunge

HOW TO: Place a slider under your right foot and keep your left foot on the floor (A). Begin to slowly hinge your hips as your left knee bends and right leg slides straight out to the right (B). Press into the ball of your right foot on the slider as you reverse the movement and pull your right leg in, returning to a standing position. When you reach your deepest lunge, keep your back flat and spine neutral. If you hunch or fall forwards, go up higher in the lunge.

TRAINER TIP: For a greater challenge, hold a dumbbell and swing it overhead every time you stand back up from the lunge.

4 Slide to sumo squat

HOW TO: Stand with your weight in your left leg with a slider under your right foot, feet about hip-width apart and toes turned out slightly in a V shape (A). Keeping your spine tall, slowly slide your right leg out to the side, bending both knees into a sumo squat (keep your spine upright), knees over your ankles and bent 90 degrees (B). Once you’re in a deep sumo squat, use your inner thighs to reverse the slide back to the start.

5 Split-squat knee drive

HOW TO: Stand with your weight in your left leg and place a slider under your right foot. Slide your right foot 15cm back so that your foot placement is staggered. Lift your right heel (A). Slide your hips back and bend your knees, arriving in a split squat with your legs staggered so there’s more weight in your front leg. Hold your left leg still and slide your right foot straight back behind you (B). Return to the split-squat by driving your knee back in with force.

6 Down-up

HOW TO: Start standing with one slider under each foot and your arms reaching overhead (A). Hinge at your hips with a flat back to bring your hands down to the floor in front of you. Your heels can come off the ground if needed (B). Pressing your palms into the floor, slide your legs back, arriving in a high plank position (C). From the plank, engage your core and legs to bend your knees and drag the sliders forwards towards your palms so that you can return your heels to the floor and reach back up to standing with your arms overhead.

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