
Semifreddo di meringa con salsa alle ciliege


Meringue semifreddo with cherry coulis

This stunning dessert always delivers the wow factor. It is brilliant for entertaini­ng as it can be left in the freezer until you need it and dressed with the fruit coulis at the last minute. We ate it at L’osteria di Santa Marina and begged chef Agostino to give us the recipe. You can let your imaginatio­n run riot, adding fruit according to the season, nuts or even hot chocolate sauce.


⚫ 350ml whipping cream

⚫ Seeds from 1 vanilla pod or

⚫ 1tsp vanilla extract

⚫ 75g icing sugar


⚫ 125g egg whites (about 4 medium)

⚫ 250g caster sugar


⚫ 500g cherries

⚫ 100g caster sugar

⚫ 150ml white wine

1 Preheat the oven to 120°C (mark ½). Line 3 baking sheets with baking parchment measuring at least 30cm square. For the meringue, put the egg whites and ¾ of the caster sugar into a heatproof mixing bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of boiling water, making sure that the water does not touch the bowl. Whisk the egg mixture, using a handheld electric whisk, to 45°C on a thermomete­r or until it becomes really thick and glossy. Carefully remove the bowl from the heat and stand it on a tea towel so that the bottom dries and doesn’t drip into the next bowl. Pour the mixture into the bowl of a freestandi­ng mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, or use a handheld electric whisk, and whisk until it doubles in size. Keep the whisk running and add the remaining sugar little by little.

2 Divide the meringue mixture into 3 and spread ½ onto each sheet, making a circle or square around 1cm thick and 23cm across. This can be done using a cake tin as a mould and pushing the meringue flat with a spatula. Alternativ­ely, draw a circle or square and use a piping bag to pipe a spiral of meringue to form the shape. Bake for 30-40min or until crisp on the outside and slightly soft inside. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

3 Put the cream, vanilla and icing sugar into a large bowl. Whisk to soft peaks. Put a meringue onto a plate and spread ½ the cream mixture on top. Put the second meringue on top and spread with the rest of the cream. Top with the final meringue and freeze overnight.

4 To prepare the coulis, poach the cherries with the sugar and wine in a medium pan, covered with a circle of baking parchment, for around 25min or until soft. Remove from the heat, leave to cool and destone them. Purée with a stick blender or a food processor and rub through a sieve to make it really smooth.

5 Remove the semifreddo from the freezer and cut into squares or circles using a hot knife. Either re-freeze at this point or serve straight away.

If you re-freeze to use later, then take them out of the freezer 15min before you wish to serve them. Serve with the cherry coulis.

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