Retford Times

Mixed catch leads at Springvale


THE latest Thursday Over 50’s match at Springvale Lakes at Bevercotes attracted a field of 56 anglers, competing on three lakes of the complex, writes Peter Ware.

Leading catch on the day came from Dave Watson who weighed in a fine three figure score of 101lb 2oz from the Duchess Lake. Dave’s return was made up by a mixture of carp and ide, attracting them at peg seven with pole and worm and caster baits.

Other lake leaders were: Duke Lake – Steve Hardman 99lb 9oz (peg 7). Golden Lake No 1 – Steve Binch 82lb 3oz (peg 17).


Monday on Moat Pool: 1) Andy Whitehouse 162lb 11oz (peg 99 Outer), 2) Matt Butler 146lb 6oz, 3) Steve Barracloug­h 100lb 14oz. 37 fished.


Monday on Holmedale Lake: 1) Adam Logan 94lb 15oz (peg 21 – carp 8lb, bomb and wafter pellet), 2) Nigel Shipman 80lb 3oz, 3) Paul Unwin 70lb 7oz.

Wednesday on Holmedale Lake: 1) Mick Langton 71lb 10oz (peg 14 – carp 9lb on pole and pellet), 2) Lee Morris 52lb 4oz, 3) Geoff Lomas 42lb 5oz.

Saturday Silverfish League on Sherwood Lake: 1) Rob Atkin 28lb 11oz (peg 25 – skimmers, pole and maggot), 2) Michael Elliott 22lb 1oz, 3) Danny Harding 21lb 4oz.


Monday on Maid Marion and Friar Tuck Lakes: 1) Paul Margerson 95lb 15oz (peg 2 FT), 2) Geoff Lomas 92lb 9oz, 3) Adam West 77lb 14oz.

Wednesday on Robin Hood Lake: 1) Shaun Butler 179lb 2oz (peg 26), 2) Steve Dales 150lb 2oz, 3) Craig Reading 128lb 5oz.

Friday Veterans on Friar Tuck Lake: 1) Mark Crewe 128lb 12oz (peg 9), 2) Shaun Butler 128lb 6oz, 3) Phil Turner 126lb 1oz.


Tuesday on Sandmartin Pond: 1) Graham Collins 106lb 13oz (peg 14), 2) Mcauley Duke 91lb 6oz, 3) Gary Brookes 60lb 5oz.

Wednesday Over 50’s Spring League on Lily and Long Island Ponds: 1) Dave Allen 102lb 14oz (peg 73 Lily), 2) Alan Thompson 102lb 4oz, 3) Tim Buxton 92lb 13oz.

Thursday on Field Pond: 1) Paul Wilkinson 135lb 15oz (peg 33), 2) Andy Favill 133lb 12oz, 3) Craig Crosby 111lb 7oz.

Saturday on Field and Signal Ponds: 1) Garry Morris 124lb 1oz (peg 12 Signal), 2) Kevin Scrimshaw 119lb 3oz, 3) Daz Smith 104lb 9oz.

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