Retro Gamer

or you could play...


Plok 1993, Software Creations

this SNES platformer went for a more simplistic comic book style than Rayman, but shared similariti­es in terms of how attacks were performed –

Plok could shoot his fists and feet at enemies, in a manner reminiscen­t of rayman’s disembodie­d punching.

Dynamite headdy 1994, treasure

treasure’s head-swapping hero actually resembles rayman a little bit – he’s humanoid but clearly not human, and has tiny limbs that might as well not be there. He’s also fond of lobbing his detachable head at enemies in order to take a bite out of them.

Flink 1994, PSYGNOSIS

f ew games could match the ambition that Michel ancel had for Rayman’s visuals, but pixel art master Henk Nieborg certainly went all-out with flink – and working on the Mega Drive, he had even stricter colour limitation­s, making the results all the more impressive.

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