Retro Gamer

Get to Da Choppa!


hi retro gamer, i loved the Star Paws feature! i used to play it on the C64 – all those hours lost trying to catch all them space ostriches before bedtime as a kid!

i would like to see a feature on another C64 game that has often been overlooked, one called Arnie! it’s a third-person shoot-’em-up where he has to go through different stages to get to the last bit of the level to kill the general, avoiding being shot, blown up or stabbed by the countless numbers of enemy soldiers out to get him. this was a game i felt was more easy to play than the much harder sequel Arnie 2.

Cisko kidd

we’re glad to hear you enjoyed the Star Paws feature. It’s easy to see why arnie has been overlooked, as it was quite a late C64 game – most people would have moved on by late 1992. still, it was well received by the likes of Zzap!64 and Commodore Format, so if we can track down Chris Butler it’s something we might cover.

 ??  ?? [C64] Cisko Kidd wants to see Arnie in the magazine, and it’s certainly not a bad game.
[C64] Cisko Kidd wants to see Arnie in the magazine, and it’s certainly not a bad game.

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