Retro Gamer



James bond

Goldeneye’s protagonis­t is tasked with preventing Janus from firing the Goldeneye satellite. Pierce Brosman plays the iconic role and would do for a further three films.

General arkady ourumov

The rogue Russian general is a thorn in Bond’s side for most of the Arkangelsk missions. He’s played by Gottfried John.

natalya simonova

This hacker ends up accompanyi­ng Bond on several missions after they encounter each other as prisoners. Izabella Scorupco depicts her in the film.

boris Grishenko

“Invincible” computer hacker Boris trips an alarm in Bond’s first encounter with him and then pulls a gun on the secret agent. He’s played by Alan Cumming. ■ ■ MEET THE CAST OF GOLDENEYE

alec trevelyan

You first meet 006 during the second mission, but see him executed by Colonel Ourumov. Bond soon discovers he’s survived and is Janus. He’s played by Sean Bean.

valentin Zukovsky

This Russian gangster helps James Bond out in a couple of levels, as he doesn’t want Janus muscling in on his territory. He’s played in the movie by Robbie Coltrane.

Xenia onatopp

Mercenary Xenia is incredibly dangerous and likes to kill men by squeezing them to death between her thighs. In the film she’s played by Famke Janssen.

dimitri Mishkin

Mishkin captures Bond and takes him to the Archives level. He eventually admits that he knows Bond isn’t a traitor and helps him. He’s portrayed by Tchéky Karyo.

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