Retro Gamer

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Q: Something came up that you haven’t covered. Help!

A: We’ve tried to list most of the common terms we came across, but there’s a really handy tip that will get you through many basic menus. if you’re observant, you’ll notice that there are a huge number of loan words in katakana here. if you take the time to learn katakana using tools like Memrise, duolingo or Real kana, you’ll be surprised at how many words you recognise afterwards. You can often guess the context from those, even if you’re not familiar with anything else. Q: I’m learning Japanese but I’m struggling with kanji. Are there any games that will help with this?

A: Lots of older games contain little or no kanji. The reason for this is simple: the display resolution of devices like the

Nes wasn’t sufficient to display the complexity and fine detail of many kanji. Additional­ly, games aimed at a younger audience may have an option for furigana, which is hiragana text positioned above kanji characters. Of course, you’ll still need a grasp of Japanese vocabulary and grammar to make any headway with such games.

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