Retro Gamer

Kabuki Ittou Ryoudan

Play fighting


The PC Engine has plenty of cool fighting games in its library as Nick discovers

PC Engine 1995 Hudson soft/red Company

do you ever feel like you’re missing something important, but can’t quite put your finger on what it might be? I do, and I distinctly remember getting it when I was shopping for PC Engine games a while ago. It was something I dismissed at the time, because my setup for NEC’S dinky console includes most items required to open up the library – I have my CD-ROM unit and I have the Arcade Card, so what else could I possibly need?

For some reason, I ended up settling on buying fighting games. That’s not a genre the PC Engine is renowned for, remarkable Street Fighter II conversion aside, yet there’s actually some pretty good stuff that arrived late in the system’s life – you just have to be willing to dig for it. Kabuki Ittou Ryoudan is one of the gems, and is a spin-off of Tengai Makyou (an RPG series which is popular in Japan but virtually unknown here). This game uses the Arcade Card, and you can tell by some impressive­ly detailed background­s and relatively large character sprites, as well as all the speech effects. It’s also one of the better console-exclusive fighting games of that era, with a functional combo system and special moves lifted straight from Capcom’s famous fighter.

Of course, being a Street Fighter II clone it requires a six-button controller, and that’s what I’d forgotten. So whenever I play this at the moment, I have to use the awkward compromise that’ll be familiar to anyone who tried to play Street Fighter II on the Mega Drive – pressing the start button to swap between punches and kicks. Curse my fallible memory!

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