Retro Gamer

More classic MOMENTS


Bring Me To life

Third Strike’s final boss, Gill, has a reputation for being a bully – a fairly common trait among his kind, as it happens. Don’t celebrate too soon when you do defeat him, though. If he goes down while his super bar is full, Gill can (and will) spend it to revive himself and undo all your hard work. Best to wait for him to burn it on a super before landing the final blow.

Triple Threat

Every character has three different Super Arts, but you can only take one into battle with you. Depending on its power, the length of the gauge and maximum stocks will also vary – quick moves like Dudley’s Corkscrew Blow charge quickly and can be used repeatedly, while heavy hitters such as Makoto’s Seichusen Godanzuki have just one massive bar to fill.

Mystery Man

Who is Q? Is he actually a robot? And where did he get that sweet hat? None of these questions and more will be answered by Third Strike, but you can get him to turn up by playing well in arcade mode. As long as you don’t drop a round, get a handful of perfects and super finishes, and keep your grades respectabl­e, he’ll show up as an eighth opponent.

Unleash The Beast

You can’t really talk about classic moments in Third Strike and not bring up the moment. In what has become known as ‘Evo Moment 37’, Daigo ‘The Beast’ Umehara’s legendary string of 15 parries to snatch victory from the lightning legs of defeat in a tournament final setting was (and arguably still is) utterly unpreceden­ted in its pure hype value.

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