Retro Gamer




1 DRIVER NICKNAME: Tread REAL NAME: Samuel Brooklyn

This shady fellow is an ex-con from the US who escaped to the UK and assumed the identity of Sid Perkins. His primary ability is – you guessed it – driving, but he can also do first aid and has a submachine gun that’s handy for getting out of tough situations. In Commandos 2, he can set traps and throw grenades. 2 RESISTANCE OPERATIVE NICKNAME: The Seductress/lips REAL NAME: Natasha Nikochevsk­i

Natasha appeared briefly in Beyond The Call Of Duty as a Dutch contact called Natasha Van De Zand, but her name was altered for Commandos 2, with her country of origin changed to Russia. She can distract enemy soldiers with her sultry talk, but she’s also a bit nifty with a sniper rifle. 3 SNIPER NICKNAME: Duke REAL NAME: Sir Francis T Woolridge

The Sniper is incredibly useful thanks to his ability to pick off enemies undetected from a great distance away. But clearly he’s very forgetful, because he only seems to remember to bring a handful of bullets with him on every mission. Duke also doubles up as a medic on some missions. 4 SAPPER NICKNAME: Inferno REAL NAME: Thomas Hancock

The team’s demolition expert can plant timed explosives and remotecont­rolled bombs, as well as throw grenades, cut through wire fences and plant lethal man-traps. In Commandos 2 he can also use a mine detector and deactivate enemy mines, picking them up to use later on. 5 THIEF NICKNAME: Lupin REAL NAME: Paul Toledo

Introduced in Commandos 2, the Thief is tiny and very nimble, so he can squeeze through small gaps as well as climb poles and shimmy along wires. He can also tail enemies and pick their pockets, open safes and trunks using his lockpicks, and, in Commandos 3, garotte enemies using piano wire. 6 MARINE (DIVER) NICKNAME: Fins REAL NAME: James Blackwood

Fins has an inflatable boat that he can deploy to ferry the other commandos across water, and he can also dive underwater, becoming invisible to the enemy. His harpoon and knife are handy for dispatchin­g enemies silently, and in Commandos 2 he can use a grappling hook to climb buildings. 7 SPY NICKNAME: Spooky REAL NAME: Rene Duchamp

The Spy can steal enemy uniforms and wander into enemy encampment­s undetected, using a poisoned syringe to dispatch Nazis silently. He can also distract enemies by talking to them, but high-ranking officers will see through his disguise. Rene goes by the nickname ‘Frenchy’ in some versions. 8 DOG NICKNAME: Whiskey REAL NAME: Er...whiskey

The team finds this dog next to a wounded ally in Commandos 2, and quickly adopts him as part of the team. Whiskey the bull terrier can sniff out mines, but his primary ability is to bark at enemies to distract them while the other commandos sneak past. And enemies won’t attack him because… well, because he’s a dog. What a Good Boy. 9 GREEN BERET NICKNAME: Tiny REAL NAME: Jerry Mchale

Also known as Jack ‘Butcher’ O’hara in some versions, the Green Beret is a big beefy boy with the ability to knock out and tie up enemies in moments. He can also bury himself completely in snow, making him undetectab­le, and his radio decoy can be turned on remotely to distract enemies.

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