Retro Gamer



Ican still remember the first time I played Irem’s R-type. It was in a small arcade next to an indoor market in Poole and it was wedged in between a couple of cabs, one of which was Double Dragon. It had a unique aesthetic style that immediatel­y separated it from other shooters I had played and I quickly fed the new cab some money.

It didn’t take long for me to lose my available ships, but I fed more cash in, impressed by the novel charge system and the great and varied power-ups you could collect. Eventually I was able to reach the boss we now know as Dobkeratop­s and what a marvellous monstrosit­y it was. Irem’s game had a distinct biomechani­cal style that immediatel­y reminded me of the Alien films and facing that disgusting­ly ugly boss cemented that thought further.

I played R-type many times over the following years and it was one of the main reasons that I took up karate, because it was the sole arcade machine found in the bar next to the hall we practised in and I would play it religiousl­y and could clear the first four levels on a single credit (I can’t do that now). I’d typically be surrounded by others while I played and they were always impressed by the imposing mothership found on R-type’s third stage, and also this issue’s cover.

It’s a real honour then to not only quiz Kazuma Kujo about the original game, but also the many titles that followed, including the latest game in the series, R-type Final 2. Enjoy the article and don’t forget to check out our new subs offer on page 28.

Stay safe and enjoy the magazine!

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