Retro Gamer




Taking place from a top-down isometric perspectiv­e, the GBA version of Two Towers was handled by Griptonite Games and is a very different kind of action RPG to the one enjoyed by players on PS2, Xbox and

Gamecube. For one, it features slightly more playable characters than what is seen in the home console version, with Aragorn able to summon the help of Gimli, Frodo,

Sam, Gandalf, a great eagle and so on. There’s also the inclusion of a loot system, wherein the different gear you come across can raise your character’s damage, critical hit chance and defence stats.

The combat does suffer from being a bit too buttonmash­y as a result of the GBA’S limited controls, but the promise of upgrading your equipment helps keep you interested. Much of your time is spent travelling from location to location, hunting down items and engaging in combat encounters. Some of the latter can be tough when enemies start to swarm. However, you can always sacrifice mana to replenish your health in true fantasy RPG fashion.

The game’s pixel art is surprising­ly smooth, though, even today. Characters like Gandalf look great while roaming the likes of Amon Hen and Caradhras Pass when battling orcs and devilish birds. Equally impressive is how well Howard Shore’s iconic soundtrack from the film has been adapted. It’s still extremely recognisab­le in the chiptune format that pipes out of the GBA’S modest speakers, and is indicative of Griptonite’s eagerness to immerse you in Middle-earth despite the smaller format.

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