Retro Gamer


Readers reveal the newer systems they collect for


Chris Jowett

I currently have a full collection for the Evercade. It’s a great and cheap system to collect for!

David Sheppard

Nintendo Switch. I made the somewhat fortunate decision to finally pick one up just before the COVID pandemic hit. It has now become my favourite console since the Gamecube and I have close to 100 physical games now.

Oven Chips

I’m currently building up a 360 collection as they’re criminally cheap for the most part. Plenty of variety in the library and the enhanced backwards compatibil­ity from the new systems is always a plus.

Big Chris

I moved from PC to Xbox One purely because of the cost of a new PC and now have quite a few physical games for it. I also have a PSP I still have games for but at the minute it’s the Evercade I use the most.


I halfhearte­dly ‘collect’ for the original Xbox and Xbox 360.


Switch and Xbox One. Switch slightly more as I have imported a little more, twice from Japan (Capcom Beat ’Em Up Bundle, Okami) and one from Europe (Klonoa). Plus, the orders from Limited Run Games as well.


Would it be weird to say that I gave up collecting physical games a while ago? I still have my older libraries of games, but… nowadays I get almost everything digital on a terabyte hard drive (either for PC or PS4).


PS2, cheap and plentiful in the main.


I collect only my favourite games for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, and Switch. So not too many.

Portable Roundup

I collect for Evercade, Vita and Switch, anything else is mostly digital for me!

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