Retro Gamer



Dear Retro Gamer,

This isn’t my first letter, but it is my most sincere. Like many I’m sure, I re-read past issues on a daily basis and I came across Darran’s very honest, but humble approach on how gaming can help with mental health in issue

237. I could appreciate everything said and identified just as much.

Something though, that I still curse to this day for many reasons, was my addiction to alcohol. Though I’m coming up to three years sober, from strength, focus, support and by applying the tools of SMART (Self Management

And Recovery Training), I’m reminded often when reading past issues of your magazine of the many titles I sold to pay for my sickness.

Games I will never be able to afford again. Saturn gems like Panzer Dragoon Saga

and Keio Flying Squadron 2

and my impeccably well-kept SNES collection. But part of recovery is letting the past go and it hasn’t been easy, but

I’m definitely in a better place mentally, physically, spirituall­y and that is the only reason

I’m grateful for my addiction, as I am now the best version of myself and will continue to become better each day. I’m also getting better access to my son, who loves his games too.

I’ve still got a decent collection of games and consoles, but every now and then, I can’t help but think of the ones I let go for a pointless bottle, but I then remind myself of the games I still have and that it was gaming that distracted me through the first 90 days of recovery. Escapism at its best, when things were at their worst. That is all. Apologies for the length. Keep up the constantly good work and are we any closer to a huge insight on the Sega Saturn yet?

Take care all and stay safe,

Darren Nicholls

Thanks for sharing such an honest account with us Darren and we’re delighted to hear how well you’re doing. Nick has actually been discussing a potential hardware-based feature about the Saturn, so you’ve got that to look forward to. Have a book to read while you wait.

 ?? ?? Here are just a few of the games Darren traded in. As he mentioned, some are now very expensive.
Here are just a few of the games Darren traded in. As he mentioned, some are now very expensive.
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