Retro Gamer


Readers on who they backed in the Nineties



I was undecided between Saturn and Playstatio­n, but the Tekken 2 attract mode swayed me. I don’t regret the decision at all, but during the next gen I got a second-hand Saturn, chipped it for imports, and caught up.

Third Dwarf

Team Sega. Mega Drive to the almighty Saturn. Nintendo won me over with the N64 but by then my fanboy mentality was “anyone but Sony”.

Pedro G.

Team Nintendo, definitely. They had (and still do) the best exclusive games on their consoles!


I was Team Nintendo and for that I was actually not invited to a birthday party at this awesome softplay and pizza place for saying Super Mario 64 was better than

Crash Bandicoot. “Go play your baby games,” I heard that a lot!

Retro Game Den

I grew up as Team Sega, although I only ever had a Master System, and missed out on the Mega Drive unless I was at a friend’s house. I moved from that to Sony with the Playstatio­n but have tried to be as multi-platform as possible since the PS2/ Gamecube/xbox/dreamcast days.


Team Amiga until 1995. Then, Team DOS. And around 2000, I realised that I really was Team Gaming all that time, and taking sides was just childish and limited the number of games you get to experience.

David Sheppard

Started my journey with the NES but soon switched allegiance to Sega. I chose the Saturn as my hill to die on, and I stand by my decision. Still haven’t owned a Sony or Microsoft console.


Nintendo for the early Nineties, and then I advanced to Sony for the Playstatio­n eras!

Newbie Coder

None really, in the Nineties I was using my Amiga A500 and then A1200, I had zero interest in consoles.

lunatic skies

I was Team Nintendo for NES/SNES, then Team PSX, then Team Xbox.

Llama King

My friends and I were all about Nintendo but my brother was the Sega man.

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