Retro Gamer


Readers share the systems they’re currently focussing on


Tony Cruise

Although there are other distractio­ns from time to time, I’m still collecting for the MSX. I’m up to 660 titles across three generation­s.


Since earlier this year I’ve restarted my PS3 collection, and it’s been great fun. The console itself is only £66, and the games are cheap to collect. I never realised how many racing games I used to have until I look back at the collection.

Blob Gaming

I picked up an OG Xbox a few weeks ago and have already blasted my way through a few games. Halo 2 is amazing still to this day! I’ve been able to get a ton of games very cheap too!


This year I was focussing on collecting and playing PS1. Next year I’ll be going for Dreamcast, Genesis and N64. I would prefer CIBS for Dreamcast and Genesis, but after doing CIBS this year for PS1 I think

I’ll just be going for loose items. It’s just too expensive.

Zahir Hassan

Sega Saturn because there are some great Japanese import games that I missed on release.


Atari 2600+ as the kids are loving the simplicity of the gameplay and chasing high scores.

Aled Gravell

The Amiga (via THE A500 Mini). It’s an era of gaming that completely passed me by, as I still played my C64 while saving for one of those newfangled console things.

Joe – The Oldtech

Outside of buying some newer titles that are on sale, I’ve been focussing on picking up some PS2 and Xbox titles I missed out on back in the day.

Sean Saunders

The PS1 has definitely been my main focus this year, snagging heavy hitters such as Persona 1 and 2, Valkyrie Profile, Einhänder and Silent Hill, along with black-label upgrades for staples like Legend Of Dragoon and Castlevani­a:

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