Retro Gamer



Dear Retro Gamer, About 36 years ago I discovered

Bubble Bobble. The graphics were cute, and the music was catchy and never annoying (it was my ringtone for a while a few years back). Twelve-year-old me (and occasional­ly a friend) would pump out those bubbles and would gradually get further and further without dying. But those last few levels evaded me, and so I would lapse, and my skills in the game would wane.

More recently, I got my daughter to play as Bob to my Bub. She’s 14 and not really experience­d in games that offer some serious frustratio­ns. So, armed with infinite continues (I can’t think how many 10ps I would have pumped into an arcade for these sessions), we spent a few weeks slowly getting better and better until… finally… we zapped Super Drunk. After much highfiving, I did break it to my kid, that the true ending would require us to beat the game again – but that happened just a few days later (and in a much shorter time).

To celebrate this achievemen­t, I thought I would put myself through some more pain and get a couple of bubble-blowing brontosaur­uses on my arms. I’ve attached the photo of my shaved arms, fresh on the chair at the tattooist. My daughter loves my new arm art, and I can finally put this game to bed. Now to find

Rainbow Islands on a modern console!

Keep up the fine work on the magazine.

Nick Thierry

Nice tats, Nick! They look great and what a great way of preserving an amazing bonding experience with your daughter. Just make sure you tell her Rainbow Islands is a single-player game only. We’ll send out a book that you can both enjoy.

 ?? ?? » Nick now has a cool permanent reminder of completing Bubble Bobble with his daughter.
» Nick now has a cool permanent reminder of completing Bubble Bobble with his daughter.

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