The Pothole Postcode Lottery

New survey reveals stark difference in road repair response times across Britain


POTHOLES ARE PAINFUL, damaging and dangerous to riders wherever they appear — but the length of time you could be exposed to one varies enormously across the country. A recent survey by the RAC Foundation has revealed the huge difference in repair times between Britain’s 207 Local Highways Authoritie­s. Just three councils aimed to act ‘immediatel­y’ to fix potholes that posed the greatest risk to road-user safety. And despite an average response time of two hours, there could be a delay of several days before some councils acted. The longest response time came from Leicesters­hire, who said it aimed to repair severe potholes within 72 hours.

“It is understand­able that large rural authoritie­s set themselves longer response times, simply as a result of having to travel further to effect repairs,” explains RAC Foundation director Steve Gooding. “But motorists might still be surprised to see such a wide variation across the country. Those particular­ly vulnerable to potholes — cyclists and motorcycli­sts — might ask whether the speed of pothole investigat­ion should be based solely on the risk to users.”

Across England and Wales, local councils repair more than 1.5 million potholes a year, a number that’s actually fallen in recent times — and not because there are fewer to fix. The number of potholes reported to Highways England (responsibl­e for motorways and main roads) leapt more than 46% between 2017 and 2018, while the number of successful compensati­on claims doubled over the same period.

Time for a long-travel adventure bike, particular­ly if you ride in Leicesters­hire…

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