
1 Shop around

Sounds pretty obvious but it really can pay off to look at all the options — and don’t be afraid to go to several different dealers if you’re buying new to make sure you get the best price.

Remember there’s a 2

strong used market

Hold out for a strong price on your existing bike, whether as a trade-in or private sale. Remember, demand is outstrippi­ng supply, keeping values high. You don’t have to have your hat nailed on.

Deals can still be 3

done for cash

Although credit cards and finance are now the norm, cash still has its place. If you can pay in notes, you won’t have to fork out for any interest payments which, over the life of a deal, can add up to quite a sum.

4 Take advantage of unsold Euro4 bikes

Many bike manufactur­es have made more new bikes than they’ve had buyers for this year and are still discountin­g — especially as Euro5 emissions comes in. Many are desperate to do a deal before it’s too late and you’ll start to see pre-reg bikes with zero miles coming up for sale.

5 If you don’t ask, you don’t get

Not all deals are advertised and some dealers are willing to honour old offers, so enquire at dealers to find out if any are on the table. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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