
Best for It’s not about the scenery; the loop is all about revelling in the pure physics of motorcycle dynamics

Length 100 miles

Route Revesby to Horncastle, then Baumber, Caistor, Market Rasen, Wragby, Bardney, Metheringh­am and Coningsby

Roads B1183, A158, B1225, A46, B1202, B1190, B1191, B1188, B1189, A153

Love it because Everyone has a love of their local loop and this one’s about as good as you could wish for if you want to sharpen your riding skills without being distracted by mountain passes. There’s only one mountain in the Lincolnshi­re Wolds, and it’s at Cadwell Park. But that doesn’t mean the Wolds aren’t worth a visit, even if you’re one of those lucky folks whose normal weekend ride is the Cairngorms.

The ride starts south of Horncastle and instantly lays its cards on the table with a series of sweet bends, gently caressing the landscape like a loving hand. You gotta roll with it, finding the rhythm of the road. Horncastle pops up and falls away again as the road winds into the Wolds, arcing across fields of searing oil seed rape set in a patchwork of deep green. The riding is open, sweeping and high-pace technical. But after Caistor, and a brief spell on A-roads and a stop at Willingham Woods for a bite to eat, it’s back to the action heading south on tighter B-roads — complex bends fly at you in a relentless flood, testing those road-reading and cornering skills.

The road feeds back towards Horncastle, then out again to Woodhall Spa’s oddly flavoured high street, feeling like something from the 1950s, offering a brief respite. A final flurry of B-road mania loops out towards Lincoln, then the ride winds up at Coningsby, outside the RAF base and home of the Eurofighte­r. Stop for a cuppa at Willingham Woods is a popular biking grub-stop — it’s not the height of cuisine and the menu of sandwiches, cakes and hot food is limited but for a chat and a brew, it’s a must.

 ?? ?? The Wolds are all about flow, not hairpins
No visit to
Lincolnshi­re is complete without popping into Cadwell
The Wolds are all about flow, not hairpins No visit to Lincolnshi­re is complete without popping into Cadwell Park

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