Rochdale Observer



ON this first Sunday in Lent our Family Service at 10.30am will be led by our minister, the Rev Richard Bradley. All are welcome, we provide a crèche and Junior Church groups (primary, middle and senior).

The quieter, more reflective evening service at 6pm will be led by Joan Warner.

at BC&N in March and April:

A chapel one, led by our minister, the Rev Richard Bradley, is open to all on Monday evenings from 7.30 to 9pm, starting on March 6. Course prepared by the London Institute of Contempora­ry Christiani­ty and entitled Life on the Frontline about whole life disciplesh­ip.

We are also hosting the

The Way of the Cross created by Robert Frost.

The course is held on Thursdays from 1pm to 2pm and started March 2.

A soup and roll lunch is available at 12.30pm.

Friday, March 3, is Women’s World Day of Prayer.

The service has been written by the Christian OUR Bible Hour on Sunday will ask the question: “What is the meaning of life?”

This is a question which many people ask themselves at some point and the feeling that life has no meaning can often lead to despondenc­y and depression.

By turning to the Bible and listening to its message, you can bring true meaning and purpose to your life, as well as a plan for the future.

This talk will take place at 4.30pm on Sunday, March 5 at the Christadel­phian Hall, 310 Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, OL16 2EF.

This will also be the venue for our at 7.45pm on Tuesday, March 7, which will be about the angels.

For more informatio­n about the Christadel­phians, please visit the website. WE give you a warm welcome to our Morning Worship Sunday at 10.30am. Mr Fraser Cooper, from Scotland, will be our preacher.

On Thursday, March 9, the will meet at 1.30pm. Why not try it out!

Next Sunday will be our conducted by Mrs Barbara Holt.

If you have any questions about our services of please ring our church secretary Mr Eric Turner on 377017.

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