Rochdale Observer

We can’t let anyone block Brexit


PARLIAMENT recently proposed two significan­t votes on Britain’s renegotiat­ions with the European Union.

The first was whether we give an automatic guarantee to provide all EU nationals (for example, Polish and Romanian) a right to remain in the UK. The second was whether Parliament gets a vote on whatever deal the Prime Minister comes back with.

I voted against both. Let me explain why.

There are over 900,000 UK citizens living in other EU countries who have not received any guarantees over their future postBrexit.

Why should we automatica­lly give EU citizens the right to remain, when no such commitment is being made for our citizens living in the EU?

As many of you know, I backed remain. But I am also a firm believer in the democratic process. The UK has already made its collective decision to exit from the EU and we cannot allow anyone to obstruct it.

However, it looks like the Liberal Democrats are planning to do just that. Following the triggering of Article 50 this week, it is crystal clear that Brexit will be happening.

It amazes me, then, that only last Saturday the Liberal Democrats called for yet another EU referendum at a march in London.

To me, this shows that there is nothing democratic about them and that they are only truly comfortabl­e within their London bubble.

EU president Jean Claude Juncker has said that he will seek to make the UK worse off outside the EU, to prove to other member states that it’s not worth leaving.

We should not tie one arm behind our back during negotiatio­ns. We should give the Government our full support, because Brexit is going to be no easy ride.

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