Rochdale Observer

Refused permission to ask ‘not unreasonab­le’ question at open forum


THE following question was sent to RMBC, in good time, for inclusion in the open forum for residents at the Rochdale Township. The, not unreasonab­le, question was asked of our councillor­s.

Question to Rochdale Township 2nd August: What actions have the council taken to deal with the problems of the TBA site over the last three months (May, June, July)?

What contact (form of contact, dates etc) has been made with:

The owners, their representa­tives

Who are the owners representa­tives (and contact details)

The organisati­on conducting the survey

The Environmen­t Agency, Other bodies/ organisati­ons?

Issues of concern being;

Results of air sampling Results of the survey Theft of metal from buildings

Clearing the illegally dumped rubbish

Prosecutio­n of the owners over the illegally dumped rubbish

Improving communicat­ions with local residents

Timetable for informing residents.

Please note that questions have been asked at the recent Forum, but little informatio­n has been forthcomin­g.

However, at the Township I was refused the opportunit­y to ask the question. The reason given was that I had asked a similar question within the last six months.

It was ruled out of order and when I complained I was told by the chair that ‘this is not a public meeting’!

The problems associated with the TBA site are ongoing and it would seem appropriat­e to keep the public updated. But because I asked questions about the site at the March Township meeting the subject was not even discussed.

This in spite of the fact that;

There has still been no informatio­n published on the survey undertaken on the site with regard to contaminat­ion.

The results of air sampling (by the council) have not been made available to residents.

The mountains of illegally tipped rubbish have not been removed.

There is still no informatio­n as to when the Environmen­t Agency will prosecute the owners for the rubbish illegally dumped on THEIR site.

The actions of the councillor­s seem to be more concerned with protecting the owners of the site than representi­ng us.

Their complacenc­y shows little considerat­ion for the public and it is time for them to do what they were elected for – represent the residents of Rochdale.

With this highly contaminat­ed site there really is no room for the complacenc­y and ●●This super cute wood mouse was snapped by Terry Angus. Email your pictures to rochdaleob­ or upload them to flickr. com/groups/rochdalepi­cs contempt shown by councillor­s for the people who elected them. M.Coats Rooley Moor Road


REGARDING recent TV news on hospital car parking charges (etc).

Where’s this money going? Definitely not back into hospital resources.

For staff, it’s a chunk out of their poor wages. For families visiting sick relatives, they’re having to watch the time to get back to their car before the time is up.

Why doesn’t our council and local health authoritie­s do something? Nearby hospital resident Rochdale


WORK commences in autumn on the new shopping centre.

Isn’t it time our council leader informed us the reality of how many stores have signed up?

He keeps saying Next and M&S are confirmed out of 25? He can’t fill the Exchange or Wheatsheaf centres!

Thousands of pounds found for the new centre should have been invested to keep these two up and running or, even better, invest in a proper hospital. Curious Rochdale


REMEMBER Mr Corbyn, the Pied Piper of Hamelin and when the citizens reneged on their promise all the children were led away?

Move to 2017. As the Pied Piper of Islington, you made a promise to cancel university fees and student debts at a cost of £100 bn.

This gave you crucial votes beyond all expectatio­ns.

Looks like the game’s up! All those children, sorry, students, will disappear. D Bean Littleboro­ugh


REGARDING GMC bosses wanting to stop ring ‘n’ ride/put up charges. This is a disgrace.

For disabled people this is a lifeline. Some disabled people won’t have anybody to take them out.

This, on top of Rochdale council stopping disabled access to banks at the bottom of Yorkshire Street.

Disabled people are human beings, not to be made prisoners in their homes. Disabled traveller Rochdale

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