Rochdale Observer



YOU know, there is nothing like the wedding of one of your children to make you feel old is there? That is where I was last week and, hence, the reason for the non-appearance of my column and not, as rumour had it, because I was busy burying the Editor in a waste disposal site in Heywood.

Maybe next year for that one.

The wedding? – well, it was more of a three-day event rather than just a wedding and it took place in basically, a cowshed – the done thing nowadays in weddings, apparently.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a very nice cowshed, scrubbed up and everything, but it was a cowshed, nonetheles­s. And it was in Leek.

Well, somewhere near Leek – the exact whereabout­s I am unsure – just that it was in the middle of a field somewhere near Leek. A bit too close to Wales for my comfort, to be honest.

I was kind of hoping for the reception to be held at a mansion somewhere – you know, sweeping staircases, crystal chandelier­s glistening above, majestic gardens and lawns, fabulous artwork on the walls and all that. Or even in the Town Hall in the centre of town – what better venue could there be? Ah, well – a cowshed it is then.

Still, it is what the happy couple wanted and you have to respect that.

As for the wedding itself, it went well and I didn’t make a pig’s ear of my speech, which I am pleased about. And, of course, the bride and groom looked fab and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

And my mother made it down as well, which was a major bonus. It has not been a good year for her – a gradual decline in health culminatin­g in a fall and broken hip, together with various other complicati­ons, means that she is now confined to a care home and is unlikely to walk again.

But we managed to get there and it was quite emotional as we had a few Italians over as well and they were very pleased to see her.

So that’s the first one done and dusted. Just got to sell a lung or a kidney to pay for the other two when they happen.

Hopefully back to normal service next week.

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