Rochdale Observer

Generation games under big top


IT’S not often you see 70-year-olds on a trapeze or tightrope.

But that’s exactly what happens in Generation­s, a show being put on by Skylight Circus Arts in Rochdale this weekend and next. Skylight’s Silver Circus, where older people learn circus arts to improve their well-being, have joined forces with the Youth Circus for the production, which combines circus skills, drama, dance and music.

Jess White, 16, is one of the teenagers taking part.

She said: “It’s really good working with old people. They’re skilful and really concentrat­e on what they do.”

Martine Bradford, Skylight’s creative director, said: “This is an exciting leap forward for Skylight Circus Arts and we are thrilled to have an opportunit­y to work with the wonderful Grania Pickard, an up and coming director, writer and performer who worked with the acclaimed Ockam’s Razor. There is a great spirit to the company - a jam-packed cast of generation­s bursting with creativity and ideas.”

Director Grania Pickard said it was the opportunit­y to make a show with such a diverse age range that attracted her to Generation­s.

She added: “I believe circus can have a hugely positive impact on people’s physical and mental health. What makes this project unique is that its uses circus to bring together two groups of people who otherwise would never have met and pools their creativity and enthusiasm to make a show with a theme of common understand­ing. There have already been some incredibly beautiful and funny moments in rehearsal and whilst I can’t give away too much about the show, I can promise that we’ll take you on a journey.”

Generation­s is being shown at Skylight Studio Theatre, St Chad’s Fold today (Saturday) and at Touchstone­s, Rochdale next Saturday, May 5.

Tickets can be booked skylightci­ or on the door if available.

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