Rochdale Observer

Churches’ bid for giant cross is facing rejection


A BID by church leaders to erect a giant cross on moorland as part of a major project to help bring their parishes together looks set to be knocked back.

The 23ft tall timber, steel and stone sculpture could be built on Rough Lea Farm off Edenfield Road near Norden and would be visible for miles around.

It’s the brainchild of churches in Norden, Bamford and Ashworth.

Church leaders at Bamford Methodist and URC Church, St Vincent’s RC Church and the Anglican Benefice of Norden with Ashworth and Bamford hoped the cross would ‘unite the parishes and provide the community with the opportunit­y to worship in the solitude of the surroundin­g moors’.

But planning officers have recommende­d the applicatio­n is refused when it’s voted upon by councillor­s tonight as it is ‘inappropri­ate developmen­t within the green belt’.

A report set to go before the planning and licensing committee states: “The sculpture would detract from the openness of the Green Belt and, by reason of the size and siting of the sculpture in an area of high landscape sensitivit­y characteri­sed by open and expansive views, detract from the visual amenities of the area and landscape character to an unacceptab­le extent. No very special circumstan­ces have been advanced to outweigh the harm that would arise.”

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