Rochdale Observer

Could MP devote time to the town?


I WAS so pleased to read about our MP Tony Lloyd in your pages, something he seems to want to avoid.

Then I read about Ireland and followed this up with Palestine.

On his websites he talks about Venezuela, anything but Rochdale.

Rochdale has had several crises in recent months, the Knowl View children’s abuse inquiry, the bare-faced lies reportedly told by the leader of Rochdale MBC and his resignatio­n, the implicatio­n of favouritis­m by the man who took his place and now, the problem of cars parking where they should not.

Despite all of this, the MP can only comment on Ireland and Palestine.

Would it be too much too ask to devote a tiny amount of time to Rochdale? TF Nicholls Littleboro­ugh


I AM amazed at how many of my fellow residents in Rochdale have embraced the RHS’s Go wild initiative.

On a recent walk down a nearby road I was stunned at the amazing displays of dandelions and dock leaves in so many gardens.

My only concern is that local sellers of lawn mowers will go bust due to lack of business. John Herbert Broad Lane Rochdale DO you know there are three National debt counsellin­g agencies that do not charge?

If you are after good advice, then they can all be found on the internet.

Christians against poverty – 0800 138 0006

Payplan – 0800 043 40 50

Debt Advice Foundation – 0800 280 2816 David S Ball, Skelty, Swansea

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