Rochdale Observer

Children get tribal at this bonkers festival

EMMA GILL’S trip to Cheshire for family fun is Just So


FESTIVALS don’t just happen, and when it comes to family festivals they take more planning than most.

Eight years in and the organisers of Cheshire’s Just So Festival have got it down to a fine art.

I wish I could say the same for us. Despite it being our third year spending a long weekend in the forest, we were probably less prepared than ever.

A last-minute shopping trip for a raincoat (it was British summer time after all), a bout of car sickness and a ‘husband locks car keys in car’ episode meant the start to our festival was slightly delayed.

But foxes are nothing if not determined and that was our animal of choice for the event, which sees festival goers picking a tribe for the weekend to compete against each other ahead of the grand tribal parade on the final Sunday night. The bee was added to the tribal tournament for the first time this year and despite our allegiance to the Manchester worker bee, our six-year-old son was adamant he would be no bee. Who were we to argue? We made slightly more effort on the costume front than last year - well we had tails and ears at least - but they still paled in comparison to some of the spectacula­r displays filling the fields with colour.

Some of the handmade creations are a sight to behold and the friendly competitiv­eness between the tribes is one of many aspects that make this award-winning event truly unique.

With two years under our belt you’d think we’d seen and done all that Just So, the brainchild of south Manchester arts group Wild Rumpus, has to offer. Far from it. While some aspects remained the same - the wonderful campfire tales, the woodland crafts and the circus workshops - there was so much more.

Not only things we’d missed out on last time, but new experience­s too.

Like taking a rowing boat across the tranquil Rode Hall lake, or at least it was before we got there, and walking barefoot in the Spellbound Forest.

We missed the insect eating and jelly fight, probably for the best, but we made sure to be in on the action for the Village Green pillow fight, which ended up being about 10 times bigger than last year’s and lasting 10 times as long.

There’s nothing quite as crazy as a field full of families, dressed as animals, trying to give each other a face full of feathers.

Or running around playing a life-size game of Pac-Man and other retro games in the Actual Reality Arcade.

But Just So is exactly that - it’s every level of bonkers and bizarre, with a handful of magic and a massive dollop of glitter.

With technology having such a huge part in the lives of our kids today, being somewhere like this is a reminder of everything childhood should be - everything it can be.

It’s time spent together making clay faces on trees, searching for fairies and dancing like nobody’s watching. It’s listening to music, watching amazing outdoor theatre shows, making paper lanterns and laughing just as much as your little ones at acts such as James Campbell - a comedian with a rare ability to have both kids and grown-ups in hysterics with his humorous take on everyday family life.

And family life is what it’s all about. Creating memories for families to treasure all year round.

Turns out our boy was right to persuade us to go as foxes. We triumphed in the tribal tournament with the bees coming a close second.

We might have taken the top spot on the leader board, but I can promise you there are no losers at Just So.

You’ll take home a car full of dirty clothes and some very tired children, but you’ll also take away a head full of magical memories made in the forest.

And that’s enough to make anyone a winner.

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