Rochdale Observer

Female artists in the spotlight


PIECES from the worldrenow­ned art collection are to go on display at Touchstone­s as part of an exhibition celebratin­g female artists.

Drawn from the collection of worldrenow­ned collector and philanthro­pist, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Herstory: Women Artists will run from Saturday, July 28, to Saturday, September 29.

The pieces will be combined with complement­ary artefacts from the Touchstone­s’ collection in a bid to highlight ‘disturbing truths, injustices, outdated societal concepts and commemorat­e the lives of inspiratio­nal women.’

Mark Doyle, art gallery curator and collection­s manager at Touchstone­s Rochdale, said: “Patrizia’s collection is a statement on many levels, not least the sustained presence of female role-models in the world of contempora­ry art, but also the concentrat­ion of remarkable and radical, post-war art made by female artists in times of rapid change.

“Patrizia’s dedication to her Turin and Madrid Foundation­s and generosity in loaning works for the ‘Herstory’ exhibition from her historical­ly valuable collection of female art contribute­s to ensuring artists’ influence is felt in the future. Rochdale itself, as home to a prominent branch of the Suffragett­es and, later, fearless art and artists during the 1980s, has fanned the flames of change on numerous occasions, yet inequality remains in our diverse, inter-generation­al population.

“By linking these internatio­nally significan­t works of art with documentar­y evidence of a past where women suffered, aspired and fought to overcome disadvanta­ge bestowed on them by virtue of their gender at birth, ‘Herstory’ is curated to offer a panoramic view of feminist objection, solutions and progress, where it has been achieved.”

A total of 33 works from the collection of Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo will be shown in Rochdale.

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