Rochdale Observer

President Brian stepping down


BRIAN Butterwort­h has stood down as President of Norden Cricket Club after 31 years in the position and a total of 66 years service to the club.

The announceme­nt of his “retirement” was made during the club’s presentati­on night on Friday when Brian was given a standing ovation .

A club official said: “I don’t know if we should look on this with happiness to mark a fantastic tremendous achievemen­t, or by sadness as it is the end of an era.”

Brian said he would continue to support Norden CC and attend as many matches as possible.

He joined the club in the 1950s and played regularly into the 1960s.

Records show that Brian played in only two first team matches. But this was probably due to the fact that Norden had an extremely strong first team bowling attack at the time.

He was a bowler to be feared in 2nd X1 cricket, and in 16 seasons he took 338 wickets at an average of 14.25, figures which many players would be proud of these days.

It was, however, his work off the field for which Brian became something of a legend.

He took over the mantle of club secretary in the 1960s and was soon embroiled in controvers­y.

Looking to the future Brian recognised that all clubs were going to need a good off-field source of income, and he was one of the leaders in proposals that the club should become licensed to sell ale.

The proposals didn’t meet with favour from all members, but they proved successful, and “the bar” became a lifeline.

As secretary Brian oversaw many changes at the club, and the engagement of some top-class profession­als.

On “retiring” as secretary Brian was elected club president.

It has to be said he was never an aloof president, and he continued to be a man of the people, and a very active one at that, doing all sorts of tasks including gateman, raffletick­et seller, and organiser of a weekly draw.

A life member “Pres” as he is affectiona­lly known, stayed on late into the night when Norden clinched the CLL title in 2010 and said: “Nights like this don’t come round so often, I don’t want to go home.”

It could be said he was at home – his true second home at Norden CC.

The interim president until January’s annual general meeting will be former club chairman John Murphy. John will be nominated for possible election as president at the AGM.

 ??  ?? Norden Cricket Club president Brian Butterwort­h
Norden Cricket Club president Brian Butterwort­h

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