Rochdale Observer

Police search farmland after reports of body


AHUGE search of land around a country lane is being carried out following reports a body may be there.

Police were alerted of the possibilit­y of a man’s body being on land off Jowkin Lane in Bamford in Rochdale earlier this week.

They have been at the scene for five days.

The road runs off the main Norden Road and winds past Bamford URC Church and Bamford Fieldhouse Cricket Club, towards Naden Brook.

Greater Manchester Police confirmed searches were being carried out following a report to police that a body may be search area.

In a statement, the force said: “There is currently in the no evidence to suggest this is the case, but officers have to treat the report seriously.

“We are not linking this to any ongoing murder investigat­ions or missing reports at this stage.”

A resident who lives nearby said: “A huge area has been cordoned off, police and CSI are at the scene.”

Another added: “The police are searching what looks like a farmer’s field.

“It is about 50 yards down the lane from the junction with Norden Lane, after the church.

“There are two tents up and a cordon, which overall probably covers and area of around a couple of hundred square yards.

“It is mainly a large field but with a few trees and some areas which might be boggy.”

‘A huge area has been cordoned off’

 ??  ?? ●●Officers conducting a search in field off Jowkin Lane, Bamford
●●Officers conducting a search in field off Jowkin Lane, Bamford

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