Rochdale Observer

Manchester sent reeling at Rakewood


IN one of results of the day Littleboro­ugh Under 11s cut through Manchester Under 11s by 15 tries to five.

Anybody who knows Rakewood will know just how cold, frosty and windy it can get and this Sunday was no exception for the hearty Under 11s.

Notwithsta­nding visiting Manchester’s first try to open proceeding­s, the boys and girls of Rakewood showed them what to expect from the U11s team.

Within 15 mins Boro cut through them like boiling water on a icy windscreen going 4-2 up. Cracking tries from Timon Warburton (who scored 2 of the four), Daniel Taylor and Callum Sharrocks reversed proceeding­s and certainly left Manchester wondering what on earth was going on!

As soon as the away side got the ball, Boro had it straight back off! There were some great tackles evident while the rucking and attacking quality is quickly developing to a great level.

The second 15 minutes saw Harrison Dickinson score a fabulous try after taking three Manchester players head on with great support from Warburton and Sharrocks.

After the restart Taylor took possession of the ball and dotted down the wing to seal his second try of the game. Manchester responded to the shock of being 6-2 down with the single score just before the whistle.

However they were not quite ready for what storm Littleboro­ugh had brewing in the final 15 minutes.

The storm started pretty flat as on the restart Manchester soon took possession of the ball, broke through after a missed tackle and got through Boro’s strong line of defence.

However after having tactical shuffle and reinvigora­ting each other with a few choice words amongst yourselves, this is where your attacking skills rewarded you with numerous tries.

The seven-try bonanza began with Dickinson who powered his way through their defence and literally left them spinning for his second of the morning with fantastic support Boro’s one and only future pink warrior Lexi Hartley!

This was then mirrored by Sharrocks finding space left unsupervis­ed by the visiting Manchester defence to capture his second try.

Manchester once more responded to the set back with a quick fire riposte of their own.

Littleboro­ugh’s Under 11 Daniel Taylor was soon off down the middle and chose a last minute decision to unselfless­ly flick the ball to supporting Sharrocks to grab his third and last try of the game.

No sooner had the game restarted, Warburton got the ball and yet again pulled Manchester’s defence apart with the support of Ellis Johnson and Dickinson, to secure a well deserved hat-trick.

Yet again after only a few minutes of Manchester having the ball, Josh Leach ripped the ball out of the attackers hand and made a good few yards to give Boro the advantage.

The ball was then superbly brought closer to the try line by Charlie Slade. Recycling the ball with speed Littleboro­ugh gave Billie Eastwood the space to get through and give the home side a well deserved team try.

Young Ellis Johnson was determined not to miss out on the chance of adding another try to his team tally as he found spaces and yet again ripped Manchester’s defence apart to dart over the try line.

In the final few minutes of the game, Taylor Ward was for not letting that ball go, and he pushed the visitors further and further back with great support from Charlie Slade and Josh Leach, before scoring the try that had his name written all over it.

In a last defiant act to restore pride in the red of Manchester, the away side achieved a consolatio­n try to leave the score at 14-5.

The final seal of approval came from Timon Warburton to score his fourth try of the match, and top off a victorious day for all in black, green and yellow

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