Rochdale Observer

Secrets of a happy house


ANGELA SCANLON knows a thing or two about homes. Having presented Your Home Made Perfect and the more recent Your Garden Made Perfect, it seems highly likely she’s picked up some good advice along the way.

Plus, before becoming a TV presenter, the 37-year-old was a stylist, so she knows how to make a space look good, too.

Hailing from Ireland but now living in London with her husband and three-year-old daughter, Angela reveals how to transform your house into a home you can fall in love with all over again.

My biggest tip is to ask yourself questions. Think about what you need from the space. Sometimes, you’re taking things that aesthetica­lly work, or you like the style of, but you’re not really thinking about what you need from a home.

It’s about really tuning into what you like, what you value as a family, what you spend your time doing, and then thinking about how your house can support that.

Use Instagram, Pinterest and magazines for inspiratio­n. I have multiple Pinterest boards and I’ve saved little folders on my Instagram – different rooms or different areas.

Look at hotels and restaurant­s for inspiratio­n too, because in those commercial properties, teams of architects are so clever with their uses of space, and that could be really applicable to a home if you think outside the box.

Bring the outside in with some plants

I remember moving furniture as a kid, and then you kind of stop doing it as you get older – it doesn’t even become a considerat­ion.

You’re like, ‘We really need to get rid of that chair’, or ‘We need a new this’, or ‘We need to do that’, when actually, maybe something just needs a new home.

So, switch up furniture, change the position of the chair or a table or whatever has a really big impact, without spending any money whatsoever.

More and more, we’re becoming aware of the value of having a garden or outside space.

I’m big on how using houseplant­s can blur the lines

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Your Home Made Perfect is available on BBC iplayer
Angela Scanlon Your Home Made Perfect is available on BBC iplayer
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