Rochdale Observer

‘I hope you never drive again and if you do you see the image of me and my mum’

Deadly driver jailed for seven years


who was in the car alongside her mother, Doris – known fondly as ‘Dot.’ Amanda’s son, Max, then aged 21 was in the rear of the vehicle.

They had been driving home from celebratin­g Max having completed a degree at the University of Salford earlier that day.

The court heard that Ms Holmes was knocked unconsciou­s and required months of hospital treatment following the crash. Despite suffering his own injuries, Max managed to crawl out of the vehicle moments after the collision.

Amanda, then aged 55, who works as a nurse, read a lengthy statement, in which she spoke primarily of the loss of her mum.

“My mum’s life was tragically taken away from her family by you, Trent Simm,” she said. “She was a fabulous person. She was a nurse cadet from school and trained as a nurse, and loved her vocation. I have been robbed of my goodbye.

“She was a lovely lady and the most colourful person in the room. Everyone loved her care and dispositio­n.

“We never ended the day without saying I love you. We loved each other unconditio­nally and did so many things together. I was so grateful she was my mum.

“We spoke everyday. This is something I still cannot come to terms with.

“The phone rings and I think it’s her.”

Ms Holmes also told the court how the brain injuries inflicted in the crash impacted her day-to-day life now. She went on: “I feel I am half the mum, family member, and colleague that I was.

“I have gone back to work on reduced pay so my take home pay is half. I feel like a failure.”

She also squarely addressed Simm, adding: “Trent Simm, this is all your fault. I am not the person I was and nor am I as capable or as autonomous. Someone driving at 100mph in a 30mph is actually beyond belief.

“The speeds at which you were driving were unbelievab­ly disgusting. We took the whole impact and never stood a chance. What made you think you could travel at them and not kill?

“You are going to have to live with the consequenc­es of your actions for the rest of your life. I do not feel sorry for you at all. Driving at those speeds you could be liable to kill someone – – and you did.”

Next, her son Max addressed the court. Simm kept his head bowed for much of the statement.

“It was one of the best days our family had had for some time,” he began. “I sat with my nan all afternoon. It went from the best day of my life to the worst.

“I could see and tell instantly that I had lost my nan. It was someone [making a] completely childish choice to drive like that and kill my nan and almost kill three generation­s of the same family.

“Trent Simm, you came up to me and asked me who was in the car. I said ‘my mum and my nan, and I think they are dead’. I hope you still remember those words.

“I felt so bitter that not only did you come over and ask who was in the car, you phoned your mum and said ‘I think I have messed up here’. I did not think I would ever get that opportunit­y again.

“I hope you never drive again and if you do you see the image of me and my mum. You deserve everything that’s coming to you.”

Aaron Scott, who was being taken home by Simm in the vehicle at the time of the collision was also seriously hurt.

Defending the 25-year-old, of Edenfield Road in Rochdale, was Neelum Gomersall. She said her client had ‘genuine remorse’. She also detailed an extract of the letter Simm wrote to the Judge. She continued: “He says ‘although I know no number of apologies will help I still wish to apologise.

“I have been to the scene to leave flowers. If there was any way I could change things, I would.”

Passing down his sentence, Judge Usher told the defendant: “This is a desperatel­y sad case for both families affected by your actions.

“You were travelling in a performanc­e car at 118mph on a 30mph road. It seems to me with a new car it’s highly likely you were showing off or thrill-seeking in the company of your friend.

“It’s impossible to listen to victim impact statements without appreciati­ng the appalling, and long-lasting, pain and suffering you inflicted on the family.

“You were a young man but not unintellig­ent. You knew the danger of driving at those speeds.

“Now two families’ lives have been devastated and no doubt Mr Scott has been affected by your idiotic behaviour. From everything I have read about you I am satisfied you now understand all these consequenc­es are your responsibi­lity.”

Trent Simm was sentenced to seven years and four months in prison, half of which must be served behind bars, for causing the death of Doris Bridgehgou­se by dangerous driving. He was given two years for each offence of causing serious injury by dangerous driving to Amanda Holmes and Aaron Scott, which will be served concurrent­ly.

He was ordered to pay the victim surcharge, and has been banned from driving for five years, with a 44-month uplift.

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 ?? ?? ●●Trent Simm has been found guilty of death by dangerous driving over the death of Doris Bridgehous­e (inset)
●●Trent Simm has been found guilty of death by dangerous driving over the death of Doris Bridgehous­e (inset)
 ?? ?? ●●The case was heard at Minshull Street Crown Court
●●The case was heard at Minshull Street Crown Court

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