Rochdale Observer

Highfield Hospital staff and patients help toy appeal


STAFF and patients of Highfield Hospital in Rochdale have come together to create a heartwarmi­ng collection of presents for the Rochdale Giving Back Christmas Toy Appeal.

The generosity ensures that more children will experience the joy of unwrapping presents on Christmas morning.

Organised by Jo Edwards, executive assistant, and inspired by executive director Sarah Agnew, the initiative involved setting up a ‘Wishing Tree’ with gift tags specifying age range.

Staff enthusiast­ically selected tags, embodying the essence of the season by purchasing gifts for children aged between newborn and 17 years old.

Jo said: “This was such a lovely idea, and we really enjoyed doing this; people are so generous.”

This initiative not only brings joy to children but also serves as a morale booster for the staff, showcasing their ability to make a positive impact on the community.

Sarah Agnew said: “As a hospital, we feel it’s so important to give back to our local community. The response was phenomenal, with even patients actively participat­ing. Christmas can be a challengin­g time for many families, and it’s heartwarmi­ng to think that these gifts will bring smiles to children and parents.”

Councillor Rachel Massey expressed her delight at witnessing the overwhelmi­ng collection of presents: “This is my favourite time of year. It is amazing to see the immense collection of presents and gifts and encouragin­g to know that so many people think about others at Christmas.”

In addition to the generous toy donations, the hospital staff went above and beyond by creating 12 Days of Christmas gift bags for each member of staff.

These bags, filled with festive items such as Scooby-doo gingerbrea­d, fluffy socks, and a variety of other treats, demonstrat­e the commitment of Highfield Hospital to spread holiday cheer among its staff.

The hospital also chose to extend their impact beyond the realm of gift-giving by donating £300 to the Rochdale Food Bank. This thoughtful gesture underscore­s their dedication to addressing the broader needs of the community, especially during the Christmas season.

Cllr Massey said she looks forward to strengthen­ing the partnershi­p between the hospital and the community, expressing optimism about future collaborat­ive efforts to benefit the local population.

As the hospital continues to make a positive impact during the festive season, it exemplifie­s the true spirit of community and compassion.

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