Rochdale Observer

Burglars pulled amputee from wheelchair in raid

‘They showed no remorse for the innocent people they targeted’

- ASLIE BLAKEY rochdaleob­ @Rochdalene­ws

APAIR of vile burglars dragged a double amputee from his wheelchair then ransacked his bedroom in a terrifying robbery.

Darren Fay, 36 and Martin Gentle, also 36, burst into the victim’s home on The Cloisters in Rochdale on April 12 last year.

Police said the victim’s son, who was visiting his elderly father at the time, answered the door after a hearing a knock at around 8pm, before the pair barged into the house.

They pushed him and demanded money and mobile phones. The pair then headed upstairs where his father, a double amputee, was in a bedroom.

A court was told how having heard the commotion, the elderly man had gotten into his wheelchair.

But Fay dragged him out and onto the floor.

The pair then ransacked his bedroom and stole two phones, cash, bank cards and set of keys before feeling the scene, police said.

An investigat­ion was launched by Rochdale’s Neighbourh­ood Task Force.

Both Fay and Gentle were arrested, but were later bailed as further enquiries were carried out.

Fay then struck again on July 13, robbing a man who was on the phone to his mum while he was walking towards Rochdale town centre.

Fay approached the victim and demanded he hand over his wallet and phone.

The terrified victim complied, but Fay went on to brutally attack him.

He kicked him while he lay helpless on the ground and emptied his wallet of cash.

Police arrested Fay just hours later after a search.

The pair were subsequent­ly charged.

On Monday, both men appeared at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court for sentencing.

The pair were jailed for almost 19 years combined.

Fay, of no fixed abode, was jailed for ten years, with a two year and six months extended license for robbery and attempted robbery.

Gentle, also of no fixed abode, was jailed for eight years and six months, with a two year and six months extended license for robbery.

Following the sentencing, Inspector Graham Cooke from GMP Rochdale district said: “These offences were incredibly intrusive, disrespect­ful, and outright terrifying for those involved.

“Fay and Gentle had no remorse for the innocent people that they targeted whilst trying to make some quick cash, so I am relieved that they are now behind bars for the foreseeabl­e, unable to cause harm in our community.

“A timely and comprehens­ive investigat­ion by officers from our Neighbourh­ood Task Force secured all the necessary evidence which ultimately left the pair with no choice but to plead guilty.

“These types of crimes have lasting impacts on victims, but I hope that they will be able to take some comfort from knowing that these men are now facing significan­t prison sentences.”

 ?? ?? ●●Martin Gentle
●●Martin Gentle
 ?? ?? ●●Darren Fay
●●Darren Fay

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