Rochdale Observer

Murder accused: ‘I blacked out after being bottled’


AMURDER accused said he blacked out after being ‘bottled’, before being ‘repeatedly’ told that he’d stabbed someone.

Dale Heywood, who prosecutor­s allege knifed 17-year-old Callum Riley in Heywood, denied being responsibl­e for the teenager’s death.

He said he couldn’t remember what happened after a bottle hit his head, but told jurors that after he came around he was told he’d stabbed someone. They argue that Mr Riley and a friend turned up at the house of Tony Adams, a ‘friend’ of Mr Heywood’s, armed with glass bottles after deliberate­ly provoked. Mr Adams, 34, had allegedly ‘assembled a crew of men’ to attend Mr Riley’s home in Heywood earlier that night, where windows were smashed just after midnight on September 17. Jurors have heard that around a year before the alleged murder, Mr Riley had owed Mr Adams £180 for cannabis.

Prosecutor­s alleged Mr Adams and ‘four heavies’ later turned up at the home Mr Riley shared with his mother, his halfbrothe­r Nile Brown and his girlfriend Ella Yates, and ‘stormed’ into the property, demanding to know where Mr Riley was.

Giving evidence in court for the first time, Mr Heywood, 26, said he had spent the night of September 16 with Mr Adams in the pub with his girlfriend, Mr Adams’s partner Michelle Conaghan and their daughter Niomi Conaghan.

Mr Heywood used cannabis and cocaine and had been drinking, he told jurors.

Later, he attended Mr Riley’s home with Mr Adams and heard windows being smashed, and saw Mr Adams holding a baseball bat.

He denied being part of a ‘plan’ to damage the windows.

Mr Heywood said he then arrived home in the early hours and began to play his Xbox before he received a ‘summons’ from Mr Adams to attend his home in Atholl Drive, to ‘give him a hand’. “If somebody has asked you to come, would you go?,” his barrister Kate Lumsden KC asked him. “Is that the nature of your relationsh­ip?”

“Yes,” he replied. Mr Heywood said he didn’t know why he was being asked to attend the house.

He said that after he arrived, Mr Adams was ‘pacing about’ and looking at a screen which showed CCTV footage from outside the property. Mr Heywood said that at one point Mr Adams went to the front door.

He followed him and saw ‘two lads’ in the garden, the jury heard. “Then I got a bottle at my head, and then I can’t remember anything after that,” Mr Heywood said.

Asked what he remembered next, Mr Heywood said: “When I was coming back around again.” He said he was on the floor and that there was blood on his head.

Ms Lumsden asked: “Did you use a knife at any stage that evening?” He replied: “No.”

She continued: “Did you see anyone else with a knife?” He said: “No.”

The KC asked: “What was the next thing that you remember?” He replied: “A couple of people repeatedly told me that I had stabbed someone.”

Mr Heywood said he was ‘confused’, and couldn’t remember who had told him he’d stabbed someone. Jurors heard that he later texted Mr Adams saying he was ‘really sorry’.

“I have been told ‘you have repeatedly stabbed somebody’, so I believed it,” the defendant told the jury. “I was saying sorry to him that it happened.”

Mr Adams, of Minshull New Road, Crewe; Mr Heywood, of Windermere Road, Middleton; and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny murder.

The three defendants also deny causing grievous bodily harm with intent in relation to the alleged stabbing of Mr Riley’s friend.

Mr Heywood and the 17-year-old deny causing criminal damage. Jurors have heard Mr Adams has pleaded guilty to this offence. Mr Heywood also denies possessing an offensive weapon.

Michelle Conaghan, 35, and Niomi Conaghan, 19, are also on trial accused of assisting an offender, after allegedly ‘cleaning’ the scene at Atholl Drive of blood and glass. The pair, both of Minshull New Road, Crewe, deny the charge.


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 ?? ?? ●●Police at the scene and, inset, Callum Riley
●●Police at the scene and, inset, Callum Riley

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