Rochdale Observer

Out of 136 councils, only ours is giving the 2pc tax discount


THE setting of the council’s budget is always a difficult balancing act.

I have always said that our main priority is protecting frontline services, minimising council tax increases and safeguardi­ng people’s jobs.

This was my priority going into Wednesday night’s meeting and I was pleased that the Labour group’s proposals were voted through by my fellow councillor­s.

This year we have again been faced with considerab­le challenges. Since 2010, around £200 million has been taken away from the council in national government cuts, so each year we are being asked to do more with less.

With those significan­t reductions in government funding, there are clearly going to be difficult decisions to make.

The ongoing impact of the pandemic, inflationa­ry pressures, energy prices and the cost of living crisis has made this even harder and, although demand for our support and services has increased, our government funding continues to be severely affected.

We have learnt lessons, become more efficient in many areas and seen many strengths in our communitie­s, but the reality is there has been a serious and disproport­ionate impact on our borough.

In a further blow for our community, the government has also decided to end the Household Support Fund.

Over the last three years the council has received nearly £5 million a year from this fund, providing vital support to households, who would otherwise struggle to buy food, pay essential utility bills or meet other essential living or housing costs.

The Household Support Fund is a vital part of the social safety net that has been crucial during this period of rising destitutio­n.

Quite simply, we are not in a position to plug the gap if the government proceeds with their decision to end the fund.

I have urgently contacted Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, to ask him to reverse this untimely and unnecessar­y decision.

It was for these and many other reasons that the focus on this year’s council budget was about protecting services, minimising any council tax increase and ensuring our residents received a helping hand with their cost of living support.

That’s why I was delighted that our budget was voted through without amends. It means all our borough’s residents will receive a two per cent council tax discount, reducing the impact of the 4.99 per cent increase to only a 2.99 per cent increase.

As leader of the council, I am proud that, out of 136 councils who to date have passed their budgets, we are the only one in the country to have implemente­d this unique discount.

This pioneering policy is a direct result of our prudent and careful management of council finances, meaning we have been able to build up substantia­l reserves.

In addition, our budget ensures our delivery of high quality, value for money services will continue.

We have introduced two free bulky waste collection­s per year for every household in the borough – the only council in Greater Manchester to do this.

We have not closed one single library, not one single community centre and not one single Sure Start Children’s Centre in the borough.

Our wide-ranging budget also delivers an additional £10,000 for ward funds, to be spent via our townships.

This will provide important community initiative­s, maybe a speed bump, a community litter pick or a grant to a voluntary community body.

I know how important these bread and butter services are for our residents, ensuring we are delivering for you throughout the year.

We are continuing to provide investment to continue regenerati­ng our town centres, through visionary masterplan­s including for Heywood, Middleton and


In short, it was a council budget which maintains frontline services, addresses the cost of living crisis, protects jobs and invests in every part of our borough.

It is a budget in the true spirit of co-operation, which I was proud to move with the knowledge that we are delivering bread and butter services, day in day out, for our residents.

●●It was with great sadness to learn of the passing of Peter Rush. Peter lived a long and fulfilling life and was rightly proud of his title as ‘Mr Heywood.’

He was a first-class community campaigner, who served residents with great diligence over his many years as a councillor.

He was a person of great charm, a loyal family man with a loving wife, children and grandchild­ren, and someone who will be widely missed across the

Heywood community and indeed the whole borough.

On a personal level, I will miss his wise counsel and common sense approach to politics and life. My thoughts are with Peter’s loved ones at this difficult time.

●●Finally, it is really good news that Rochdale Town Hall’s grand reopening will take place on Sunday, March 3, followed by a week of events as part of Rochdale Borough Festival of Ideas.

It’s been a long wait for our residents and I’m delighted that they will finally get to see their beautiful town hall, fully restored in all its glory.

Not only will they see the town hall they know and love, looking as good as it would have when it first opened in 1871, but they will see brand new features, like the Welcome Gallery, which makes it an even better space than it was before.

We can’t wait to welcome people back in.

 ?? ?? Councillor Neil Emmott Leader of Rochdale Borough Council
Councillor Neil Emmott Leader of Rochdale Borough Council

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