Rochdale Observer



ON Sunday, our Holy Communion Service will be at The Sunday School, will meet during the morning service in the Vestry.

(ages five-11).

The Bible Study Group meet on Tuesday at 7.30pm. We will be starting our six week study on the life and letters of Peter. Week one, May 7, starts with his call to be a disciple and the early days with Jesus. All welcome. Contact a member of the church for the venue.

Cafe club will meet as usual for a chat and drink. 10am on Wednesday.

Holy Trinity Youth Theatre Workshop meet at 7pm on Friday evening, in church. It will be our Dress Rehearsal. We are likely to run through until 9.30pm.

Our Summer Show, “When you wish upon a Star” featuring Disney songs, will take place at 3pm on Saturday, May 11. Ticket prices include a cream tea. Adults £10 children under 16 £6.

Please book tickets before Friday in order to secure a cream tea. Some tickets will be available on the door but scones will not be guaranteed.

Tickets are available through the website or on Friday evening during the rehearsal. If anyone is able to help, we will be putting the stage up on Sunday, May 5 at noon. We will also need help to take it down next weekend.

The Theatre Group is open to young people aged nine-18 and is free. New members are welcome.

If someone is in this age group and would like to join, turn up to a rehearsal or perhaps attend the Summer Show and speak to a member of the team.

Soon we will begin casting for our Autumn Production. We are delighted to have a licence to perform the musical version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Further informatio­n about events is available on the Benefice website.


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