Rochdale Observer

General Knowledge Quiz


1 Which salt lake between Israel and Jordan is the lowest body of water on the surface of the Earth? A Caspian Sea

B Dead Sea

C Red Sea

2 By what name are members of the Roman Catholic order the Society of Jesus known?

A Dominicans

B Franciscan­s

C Jesuits

3 In which English county is the Forest of Dean?

A Gloucester­shire

B Hampshire

C Essex

4 Which disease was named from the former belief that it was caused by bad air?

A Malaria

B Influenza

C Tuberculos­is

5 Of which country was Andreas Papandreou prime minister?

A Italy

B Spain

C Greece

6. In which 1999 romantic comedy film did Hugh Grant fall in love with an actress played by Julia Roberts? A Love Actually

B Four Weddings and a Funeral C Notting Hill

7 Which wild duck is the ancestor of most domestic ducks?

A Mallard

B Pintail

C Wood duck

8 What name is given to the form of wordless acting practised by Marcel Marceau?

A Improvisat­ion

B Pantomime

C Mime

Hugh Grant See Question 6

9 Which grass is the staple diet of giant pandas?

A Bamboo

B Wheat

C Seagrass

10 Which Scottish king was killed by Malcolm III?

A Duncan

B Macbeth

C Robert the Bruce

11 Which Central American country was ruled by General Manuel Noriega?

A El Salvador

B Panama

C Nicaragua

12 The Malabar Coast is an area of which country?

A India

B Malaysia

C Sri Lanka 13 What name is given to the area of the Atlantic associated with the mysterious disappeara­nce of ships and aircraft?

A Bermuda Triangle

B Atlantis

C The Doldrums

14 Which city and beach community in Los Angeles county is famous for its celebrity residents?

A Santa Monica

B Beverly Hills

C Malibu

15 Who played Mrs Robinson in the 1967 film The Graduate?

A Anne Bancroft

B Katharine Ross

C Kathleen Turner

16 What name is given to the meat of a deer?

A Venison

B Veal

C Mutton

17 In which South American country did the samba originate?

A Brazil

B Colombia

C Argentina

18 Which hero of Israel in the Old Testament derived his strength from his long hair?

A Saul

B Samson

C Samuel

19 The velocipede was an early form of which vehicle?

A Tricycle

B Car

C Bicycle

20 Sancho Panza was squire to which fictional character?

A Hamlet

B Don Quixote

C Ivanhoe

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