Rossendale Free Press

Burglar who went into derelict house told to ‘grow up’

- @JonMacMEN


AJUDGE has told a woman who went into a derelict house to try and steal paving stones to ‘grow up’ and labelled it a ‘ despicable crime’.

Helen Dodgeon, 42, was spotted entering The Lodge on Bury Road in Rawtenstal­l and claimed she thought the property was unoccupied because of broken windows and doors.

Burnley Crown Court heard how a group of unknown men had previously burgled the house ●● Helen Dodgeon pleaded guilty to burglary and caused thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Dodgeon pleaded guilty to burglary and was given an eight-month jail sentence, suspended for two years.

Robert Smith, prosecut- ing, said Dodgeon entered her guilty plea on the basis that she acted alone, was looking to steal paving stone flags and didn’t steal any flags herself.

The prosecutor told the court that ‘other people had been in beforehand’, however the Crown ‘can’t prove she had anything to do with it’.

Mr Smith said: “The Crown couldn’t disprove the defendants’ case that the others had burgled the property first and forced entry and she came along afterwards.

“There are a lot of footprints in the property. Some are the defendants and some are unknown persons.” The incident happened sometime between October 8 and October 12, 2014.

Mark Stuart, defending, told the court how Dodgeon, of St Leonard’s Street, Padiham, had been given a curfew order earlier this year for separate driving and handling stolen goods offences and had complied with the order.

He said: “She has done well on the curfew without a problem and she has also now got some stability by trying to establish her own dog walking business.”

Judge Beverley Lunt said: “It’s a despicable crime. It’s an absolute nightmare.

“People stole flags from round the back of this court. They are extremely valuable property. People have them in their gardens and pay an awful lot of money for them.”

Sentencing, she told Dodgeon: “Stop doing this. Grow up. Other people’s property belongs to them and not you. You are a grown woman of an age now in the middle of your life where you should be getting on with things.

“If you commit any offence within the next two years you will be back before me and the next time I see you I’m sending you to custody, no ifs, buts or maybes.”

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