Rossendale Free Press

No excuses... just answer the questions


WHY when the council are elected by the people of Rossendale should we have to write to them if we want to ask a question in a meeting giving them two days notice (‘Council question time must now be in writing, July 22)?

Is this so they can come up with an excuses and not be put on the spot?

These people are and will always be accountabl­e to the electorate of Rossendale, after all we pay their salaries.

Regarding the bus station, what happens to the bus station after the 25 years of being operated by the council? Another item that confuses me - who are the Lancashire enterprise partnershi­p. It is about time that all the councils produced a set of audited accounts every year so the public can see exactly where the money they pay is spent. It is time for another revolution, e.g. referendum. Watch out councils, the public is watching you. Take responsibi­lity and accountabi­lity for the way you spend the public money. Colin Jeffs via website


READING can scarcely be termed a hobby, rather it should be classed with such normal activities as talking, without which man or women cannot be said to fully live.

Yet the habit of reading does not come by chance, certainly not the habit of worth-while reading, that must be cultivated.

When once a person has gained the freedom of literature, illimitabl­e enjoyment awaits him or her, they can meet the great spirits of every age and have within his or her reach all the wisdom and learning of mankind.

If the libraries are to close it would include that many types of books would not be available such as novels, books of reference, collection­s of short stories, technical handbooks, essays, biographie­s, books of travel, histories, memoirs, plays, need I go on?

If I remember, [Francis] Bacon said an essay on studies ‘some books are to be tasted, others are to be swallowed and some few are to be chewed and digested’.

These days we hear so much about the young people of today missing out on things that is of interest to them, so let’s not add by closing the libraries in Rossendale, it is not only the young, but the rest of us who are still learning. Wilfred Nuttall via email


I READ your articles in last week’s edition of the Rossendale Free Press on the closure of libraries in Rossendale (‘£60,000 could save a library in Rossendale, July 22) with increasing amazement.

Not only did the Labour County Councillor­s vote for the closure of these libraries but, just as importantl­y, they all voted against the LCC Conservati­ve Group’s amendment to their budget which would have saved EVERY library in Lancashire AND left LCC with an extra £1m in the bank.

Labour claim that they are having to make these savage cuts because of reductions in Government grants but this is simply untrue. Yes of course, just like every council in the country, Lancashire has faced cuts in government grants but the real cause of this fiasco is Labour’s own waste.

For example, not only did they reject the Conservati­ve Group’s fully funded amendment to keep Lancashire’s libraries open, but they are now the best part of £50m better off than they thought they were when they embarked on this disgracefu­l policy of closing half the libraries in Lancashire. I’m sure your readers will be surprised to hear that LCC are now sitting on £314m (yes £314m!) of reserves.

And, by the way, the silence from Councillor Barnes is positively deafening. Let us not forget, as County Councillor Barnes, she voted to close Crawshawbo­oth library and she voted against the Conservati­ve Group’s proposal to keep all Lancashire’s libraries open. County Councillor Geoff Driver CBE Leader, Lancashire County Council Conservati­ve Group


I READ your report - (‘Hundreds enjoy the fun of big family-friendly fair’, July 22) of the Rawtenstal­l Annual Fair, with interest.

However, I searched in vain for a mention of Water Brass Band, who celebrate their 150th anniversar­y this year, and who played for an hour at the fair to the obvious enjoyment of visitors.

These people give their time, energy and expertise and it seems reasonable to expect that their contributi­on to these local events is noted and applauded.

The band contains some very young members whose efforts, and those of the other members, should be encouraged. Elisabeth Lonsdale Waterfoot


SPOTTED recently around Holden Wood Reservoir, Haslingden, what looked like a Little Egret.

I understand this sighting is a bit of a rarity, perhaps your more knowledgea­ble birdwatchi­ng readers could confirm this. Steve Langridge via email

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