Rossendale Free Press



Makes 6 tarts

FRUIT tarts were always a favourite of mine. They take me back to my days when, as a teenager working in France, I’d pass by the village patisserie and ogle at the sheer array of cream cakes, tarts and gateaux – the strawberry tart being the ultimate prize in the window.

For the sweet pastry 250g plain flour 90g icing sugar 120g butter One egg Pinch lemon zest For the crème patisserie 300ml milk One vanilla pod – split into half lengthways Two egg yolks 55g caster sugar 30g plain flour – sifted Dusting icing sugar To finish

Two punnets fresh strawberri­es

Three tablespoon­s apricot jam

Two tablespoon­s chopped pistachio nuts


1. In a food processor blend together the flour, sugar and butter until it forms a fine crumb. Add the egg and lemon and knead to a smooth dough. Place in the fridge to firm slightly. 2. Lightly dust a work surface with some plain flour and roll out the pastry to about 2mm thick. Use to line six tart cases, or alternativ­ely make one large one. 3. Bake in a hot oven 180°c for about five minutes until lightly coloured and golden. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 4. For the French patisserie (sounds posh, but in fact it’s just classic custard) heat the milk and vanilla together to a gentle simmer then remove from the heat and leave for 20 minutes to infuse. 5. Mix together the egg yolks and sugar then add the flour and mix well. Pour half the milk into the egg mix, then pour this into the remaining milk in the pan. Place on a medium heat and bring to the boil and then cook out for one minute, stirring well. Pour into a bowl and dust with a touch of icing sugar to prevent a skin forming. Leave to cool. 6. When ready to assemble, spoon some of the custard into each tart. If making ahead of time, brush the case with chocolate to prevent the tarts from going soggy. Slice the fruits and arrange on top. 7. Heat the apricot jam in a small pan, adding a touch of water to loosen it. Brush carefully over the fruits to give them a sheen and it also holds them together. Finally edge the sides of each tart with a touch of pistachio nut.

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 ??  ?? Nutters Restaurant, Edenfield Road, Rochdale. Tel: 01706 650167 @Nutsfood on Twitter
Nutters Restaurant, Edenfield Road, Rochdale. Tel: 01706 650167 @Nutsfood on Twitter

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