Rossendale Free Press

ALMOST 200 primary school pupils enjoyed a day at secondary school for literacy and numeracy activities.


Fearns Community Sports College, Stackstead­s, opened its doors to Year 5 pupils from eight primary schools from Waterfoot to Britannia and Holy Trinity to Sharneyfor­d.

They played times tables Twister, standing long jump, basketball and trampolini­ng.

They had to count their trampoline bounces and work out the average for their group, measure how far they had jumped during long jump, and multiply while playing Twister.

Lucas Torbica, 10, from Britannia Primary School, Bacup, said: “On the trampoline you had to do as many bounces as possible in a minute, so I made sure I only did small jumps and managed to do 80.”

In literacy the youngsters completed word searches and drew their own superhero and gave them a special power, then used a selection of adjectives to write all about their hero.

Zarina Younis explained: “I tried to find as many words as I could in the word search and then we drew our superhero.

“He had a good and a bad side. He was bad because if you looked into his eyes you would go blind but he was good because he had sensors that told him when there was a problem and he could then sort it.”

Mathematic­s teacher Jess Taylor said: “It got them to look at maths and numeracy in everyday situations rather than just as a classroom activity.

“The prefects and literacy leaders helped to run the event and they were very impressive.”

The results were sent back to the primary schools so teachers could do further work on the figures.

 ??  ?? From left: Sharneyfor­d Primary School pupils Luke Greenwood, Noah Haislip and Matthew Carr, all 10, enjoy a game of times table Twister
From left: Sharneyfor­d Primary School pupils Luke Greenwood, Noah Haislip and Matthew Carr, all 10, enjoy a game of times table Twister

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