Rossendale Free Press

Road proposals branded ‘farcical’



PROPOSED road layouts as part of a town centre’s redevelopm­ent have been labelled ‘farcical’.

Bacup councillor Peter Steen believes the planned layout in the town centre as part of the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) would cause more trouble to traders and residents than it would benefit.

The £500,000 proposal will see the intersecti­on of Yorkshire Street, Burnley Road and St James Square disrupted for 33 weeks while ‘public realm work’ is carried out. The works form part of phase two for the THI, due to resume this spring under new contractor Rosslee Constructi­on.

Council bosses say the changes have met with a largely positive response.

But Greensclou­gh councillor Steen said: “I haven’t spoken to any residents or traders in Bacup who understand it.

“It would build out into the road, creating a large paved area there. They’ve estimated the cost at £500,000 and a constructi­on time of 33 weeks but it’s not really going to make a great difference to ●● The scheme will redesign the centre of Bacup movement in the town.

“There is nowhere for any of these shops to unload. There’s no way that could happen under these plans. You would have traders trundling 300 or 400 yards with boxes of goods with the new layout and that won’t work.”

Coun Steen questioned the council’s decision to approve the despite them ‘strapped for cash’.

He added: “Rossendale Borough Council, who claim they are strapped for cash, are prepared to do this. It is farcical. I have no problem in trying to build the town back up, not at all, but not this. It is not the way to do it.”

The plans would replace the existing kerbs with granite and expand the paving area to create space for ‘facilitati­ng pedestrian movement and potential for landscape features’.

Alison Fyldes, owner of the Forget Me Nots florist, scheme being said: “We wouldn’t be able to unload.

“It would completely affect us because of the massive deliveries we get every day.”

Council leader Alyson Barnes said that while she respects Coun Steen’s views, it is because of the former Tory-led council that the town needs investment.

She said: “Broadly, the proposals have been welcomed by the residents in the area. The investment it will bring into the town is much needed.”

What do you think of the scheme? Write to our letters page.

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