Rossendale Free Press

Drunk thug stabbed former partner


ADRUNK thug who stabbed his expartner in the hand with a knife could be facing an extended prison sentence.

David Young, of New Line, Bacup, attacked the victim on March 18 this year during an argument and left her with possible tendon damage, a court heard.

The 43-year-old - who has now been recalled to prison on licence from a previous robbery con- viction - has pleaded guilty to wounding and will be sentenced next month.

Recorder Katherine Pierpoint told Burnley Crown Court how she will order assessment­s to be carried out to determine if Young should be a considered a ‘dangerous offender’ which would increase his prison sentence.

Francis McEntee, prosecutin­g, told the court how Young was originally charged with the more serious offence of wounding with intent, however they have now accepted a lesser charge after the complainan­t refused to cooperate with police and ‘ went to ground’.

He told the court: “It is a very grave allegation regarding a stabbing to the hand in a domestic situation. Both parties were in drink.

“It becomes apparent when the complainan­t makes a second statement that there are variations and by the time of the third statement, which is a proposed withdrawal or retraction, there are other evidential aspects which are prone to some questions.

“Further to that, albeit the Crown have taken out a witness summons in relation to the complainan­t, it has not been possible to serve it.

“The police say they have visited her address and family address and there has been no response or indication as to her whereabout­s.

“She has gone to ground. In those circumstan­ces the Crown respectful­ly submit that the plea is appropriat­e to deal with the circumstan­ces of the case.”

Patrick Buckley, defending, said Young is now a ‘serving prisoner’ having been recalled on his licence, which had been due to expire in December 2017.

Recorder Pierpoint adjourned sentence to July 6 and remanded the defendant into custody.

She said: “I am going to order a pre-sentence report to assess the issue of dangerousn­ess.

“The only sentence will be one of custody but it’s a case that a judge can consider an extended sentence in due course.”

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